"They're telling me to kill you"

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Parties at a friends house one night, and crashed on his couch... laying there asleep, I suddenly got this chill and opened my eyes. There right in my face, maybe 18 inches away was my friends girlfriend. She was staring at me, rocking or swaying side to side.

She looks me dead in my eyes, and says "They are telling me to kill you, but I don't want to...."

I sat right up, and didn't go back to sleep, (I needed my friend to give me a ride home), she got up and slowly walked to their bedroom. I watched that door all night. No one ever came out until the morning.

When the came out, she actually told him what occurred, I didn't have to say anything. My friend apologized, and they explained that she was schizophrenic, the medication helps her keep form acting on the 'voices...'

Never partied there again.

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