3 am walk

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"I am fairly small for a guy. I stand at around 5'5" and the most I've ever weighed was around 150lbs. About 6 or 7 years ago I didn't have my license despite being far old enough to drive, but a good buddy of mine wanted to hang out. He too did not have a way of transport, so we decided to both walk towards one another and meet in the middle. We would both be walking ~5 miles. It was 3 am on a cold winter night and I was wearing a black jacket with my hood up.

About 2 miles into my hike along the main road, a car pulled into a parking spot of a home I was passing, just a few feet behind me. He wasn't entirely into the driveway, almost halfway hanging out into the road. I half expected it was just a kind stranger wanting to give me a ride, but I wasn't about to take any rides from anybody. I kept pacing forward and ignored the car behind me, expecting them to roll down a window and shout at me. It didn't happen. The car just sat at the edge of that driveway, running but completely dark inside to the point that I could only barely make out the figure of a large man.

I don't typically get frightened by much, but something in the air made me tense up and my heart kind of dropped to my stomach. I stopped and turned to look at the car. I had a feeling that the person driving was watching me intently.

The figure in the car was definitely facing me; I could see the reflection from his dash bouncing off of his eyes. I stared back. I figured he was about to yell out to me, but he just sat quietly in a strangely menacing way that I have only ever seen scenes in movies play out. I kinda did a wave at the figure, letting him know I saw him and waited for some type of communication in return. He didn't budge, just stared intently. I returned to pacing away, slightly brisker.

After just a few moments I could hear the car slowly roll in reverse, so I turned to face it but kept pacing backwards. The car kept creeping, slowly. I pulled down my hood and stood still again, waiting for him to pass me. but instead, the man slowed to a stop beside me. The passenger side window rolled down, and the man and I met eyes.

No words were exchanged at all, and before I could even let out a "hello?" the man grimaced and accelerated away at a decent pace; almost as if he was disappointed by what he had seen.

Creepy storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora