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Animal-hearted: when a person identifies as human but has a strong "connection with" or feels a "relation with" an animal. The term was coined on The Daemon Forum. It's definition was clarified by a member named Teddy on October 26, 2009.

This is not the same as being a Therianthrope, who identifies as an animal. "I identify WITH wolves." does not equal"I identify AS a wolf."

Some people may use the term Kith. The equivalent term in the Otherkin community is Other-hearted.

To use the term correctly, a person who feels close to deer would say, "I am deer-hearted." or "I am deer kith."


Mossland, "An Interesting Find" January 19,2018

House of Chimeras, August 17, 2014 "The History of the Term Animal-Hearted"  

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