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Theriotype/Therioside: now the most common words for the animal species which is an individual's nonhuman identity. The term came into use in 1999.

Theriotypes are based on known animal species extant and extinct.

An example of usage is "I have a whale therioside." It is also acceptable to say "I am a whale Therian."

The term was developed as a replacement for the old words Wereside and Phenotype.

Some Therianthropes believe that a theriotype develops as part of their mentality much in the same way that their personality develops.


Therian Timeline, Words and Concepts,

Terms and Definitions, Sonne, hosted on Project Shift.

Scribner, O. "Otherkin lexicon: A multi-lingual dictionary of jargon used in the communities of otherkin, therianthropes, and other similar peoples, v. 0.1 Abridged." The Art and Writing of O. Scribner. 8 September, 2012. 

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