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Gatekeeper: is a term developed outside the Therian community, but it has found specific use by individuals seeking to troll or otherwise cause harm within the community. Recently, the term has found popular use as a slur levelled against elder Therians (see Greymuzzle) who attempt to correct wrong or misleading information. Its use within the Therian community is generally an attempt to silence conversation and suppress the sharing of knowledge.

It should be noted that gatekeeper does mean to control access to something or control the flow of information. While the Therianthrope community has become less secretive and more open to individuals who are just curious or who are testing it out-there is less grilling- some Therians argue that we do need to maintain some level of control and access. Modern Therianthropy can not be all things or whatever a person wants it to be. There are certain indicators and agreed up guidelines of what constitutes Modern Therianthropy.


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