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Phytanthrope: a person who has an internal self-identification as a plant; experiencing phytanthropy. Comes from "phyto-" meaning plant and "-anthrope"meaning human. The term was created in 2013 by Darahagh (da-re-har-uh), a southern live oak. Plantkin is also an acceptable term that actually came into use earlier that phytanthrope around 2004 in a Livejournal community.

"It was a term I cobbled to together in in February 2013 for myself as a plant-identified person to use due to being tired of people saying otherkin are mythical creatures only even while plantkin being part of the otherkin community."  -Darahagh

The term wereplant was being used on AHWW in the early 1990's, and a few people were reported to have identified as plants back then. In 2004 on the website Green Is More Than A Color the term "greenkin" was also used. In 2006 the term "woodkin" was coined on another Livejournal community, unfortunately this profile has been purged. 


Darahagh, House of Chimeras, "Kin to the Plants: Of People Who Identify As Plants", 05 April 2013.

"A History of Plant-Identified People in the Otherkin Communities"-

"What Being A Phytanthrope is To Me"-

Darahagh, "Plantkin/Phytanthrope" June 2, 2018,

Plant / Green 'Kin. August 4th 2004, [accessed June 2 2018].

Phytanthropy, April 23, 2014, 

"Stupid Question," alt.horror.werewolves, February 20, 1995, [accessed June 2, 2018].

"Green is more than a color?,", [accessed June 2 2018].

Woodkin, June 15 2006, [accessed June 2 2018].

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