August 28th

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8 pm

Gayboy ™: You mean now?

LanceMcLame: Yeh

Incoming call from Gayboy ™
Call accepted

Lance's jaw drops as Keith's face enters the screen. His hair is put up into a ponytail and his tiny, but muscular chest is covered by a tight black shirt.
"Hey Lance." Keith says softly, his cheeks turning a light shade of red as he catches Lance's jaw drop. "Is your cam stuck or?" he chuckles nervously.

Lance immediately closes his mouth and covers his face with his hands. "Why?"
Keith furrows his eyebrows. "Why what?"
"Why are you so beautiful?" He mumbles into his hands, slowly moving his long fingers away from his eyes, to peek at Keith.

"I could ask you the same question McClame" Keith smirks.
Lance gently removes his hands from his face to look at Keith. He feels his entire face burning from the blush that covers his cheeks, neck and ears.
Hell no that Keith is going to be the one letting him blush.

A smirk starts playing on his lip. "It's McClain for you, honey." he licks his lip in a suggestive way, making Keith swoon and glare at the same time.
"I can hang the fuck up?" He says coldly, showing Lance his finger which is slowly moving towards the end call button.

"Hey! There's no need for that!" Lance yells towards his laptop. "Don't hang up.. Please."

Keith chuckles; Lance's chest tightens. "I won't Lance, but tell me why you wanted to FaceTime all of a sudden?" A small yawn escapes Keith's mouth.

"Ahh, if you're tired we can call some other ti-"

"I'm here now, answer me." Keith interrupts him. Lance inhales and exhales deeply.
"I just wanted to make sure everything about you is real.." he says matter of factly.

The honesty obviously caught Keith off guard. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Lance swallowed. "I thought you were too good to be true."
"Like a catfish?"
"Yeah, maybe."

Keith smiles softly, letting his eyelids close as his back leans further into his office chair. Lance makes himself comfortable on his bed in the mean time.
"You look calm, like this." Lance observes, as he looks at Keith's dopey smile.

A small chuckle leaves the closed-eyed boy, before he slowly starts to drift off.

Let's meet? (Klance Texting Fic) Where stories live. Discover now