August 30th

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5 pm

"It's peaceful here." Keith says silently, as they walk from their previous position to Keith's school bus. Lance nods, but not really listening to what his small text friend is saying. Instead he's too focused on wheter he should or shouldn't take Keith's hand. Would Keith deny him or just go with it? "I wish my neighborhood was this calm." Keith talks again, still going unnoticed by Lance.

Keith looks at Lance with furrowed eyebrows, "Are you even listening?" he asks a bit annoyed by his skyscraper friend. Lance doesn't look back, but simply slips his fingers in between Keith's. "Oh" Keith whispers silently; closing his fingers around Lance's too. Noticeable smiles grow on their lips.

The scenery around them is indeed rather peaceful. They're walking over a bridge; while Keith's left hand is gliding over the railing. Under the bridge flows light blue water that's originally from a lake; a few feet away from where they are now.
No people other then themselves and a few passing cars are present. Lance grips Keith's hand a bit tighter and the small boy returns the gesture effortlessly. "How's your mom? And Veronica.." Keith asks warmly, "how are you?" Lance swallows, before he answers:"Mom is trying, I guess. Veronica is oblivious; like Always." He dodges the last question on purpose. They have fallen in a mood, a very good mood; he surely isn't going to destroy their vibe. But Keith notices the obvious dodging. He has been noticing it all evening:

Like, when he asked Lance about his grades, his hobbies and himself; he wouldn't even answer with one small word. He'd distract Keith by answering the questions, but it wouldn't be about HIM; it would be about Hunk or his brothers etc.

It went something like this: "So how are you grades now? Straight A's right?"                                       
"Hunk has like A plusses, he's like the smartest in class."

Still, Keith decided to let it go; they've known each other for just a little while and he is going to wait. He's  going to let Lance find trust and comfort in him on his own pace.

"You're warm." Keith says softly, looking up at the boy. "Or I'm just really cold." Lance looks back at the boy to give him a shy smile.
Lance finally speaks:"Keith there's so much I still need to learn about you," Keith nods, "but I'm already having such a great time! You're so different Keith!" he exclaims happily, while swaying their hands back and forth. "Different in a good way though.. A very good way." he adds quickly.
They share a soft look. Lance's heart skipped a beat and he noticed. He had noticed the beat skips all evening.

"We're here." Keith mumbles. Their hands are still intertwined, they don't really plan on letting go either. Lance leans his back against a tree nearby the schoolbus; Keith awkwardly shuffles closer as Lance takes his other hand too. "I don't want to go Lance." he says in full honesty. 

"We'll see each other in five days? I'll be there on sunday right?" Lance asks, dragging keith just  a little closer. Keith nods and looks down at their hands, "Shiro is excited to meet you, just so you know." He feels Lance's hands tense a little; he didn't know hands could get tense? "Be prepared for my overprotective brother." he adds smugly. As if Lance isn't nervous enough already. "I'm excited to meet him too." Lance lies nervously, which makes Keith laugh. A full on laugh, teeth and small dimples showing, leaving Lance once again: breathless.

"Are your hands sweating?
"WHAT NO?!" Lance yells and pulls his hands from Keith's. "I am perfectly fine, Kogane."

Keith doesn't answer, he just stares at Lance with a smile still plastered on his face. He isn't really looking at Lance; it's just a stare. So when Lance started leaning in, that went unnoticed by the smaller boy. Lance leaned in further and further until their lips touched. As in schock Keith presses his hands on the taller boy's chest and forces him with his back against the tree; maybe a bit too hard. "What the fuck Lance?" Keith whispers very quietly. So quiet that Lance is starting to doubt if he was even supposed to hear it. Lance says nothing as keith traces his finger over his lips, while his back starts to hurt a little from the push. "Don't text me." Keith says harshly as he runs towards his bus, leaving Lance completely and utterly alone. 

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