September 5th

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11 pm

(A/N: This chapter was way too fun to write.)

It's completely silent in the living room. Lance, Keith and Shiro are all positioned on the couch, while awkwardly eating their chinese food. Some cooking program is currently shown on the tv. Lance dares to take a look at Keith and Shiro to his right; he loudly snorts at the sight. The brothers are actively following everything that's happening on the screen. 

"How are you guys this intense about a cooking show?" he asks. Shiro waves a hand at him dismissively from the other end of the couch; making Lance chuckle. Keith looks at Lance with an expression that to Lance meant something like 'are you stupid you uncultured swine'. Lance cocks his eyebrows in confusion.

Keith copies the action, but in his case it looks more annoyed. "It's the final of Cooking with Coran," Lance nods and fixes his eyes back onto the tv. "you uncultured swine." And there it is. 

Lance laughs loudly at Keith's comment and the small boy himself can't help but let out a small chuckle. "I knew you were going to say that." Lance laughs , "Your face says more then your mouth will ever tell me."

Keith immediatly stops laughing, but the corners of his mouth are still slightly lifted up. His eyes turn soft as he looks fondly at his tall friend. "Is that so?" he asks not believing a single word, "Then what is my face saying right now, McClain?" Lance swallows. Keith looked so soft and adorable. Lance wants to look away, HAS to look away, but he can't. Nobody has ever looked at him like that before. But what that look means, Lance can't really tell. All he knows, is that it makes his heart do more then just a few skips and flips. 

He opens his mouth to tell Keith he doesn't know or make some stupid joke, but Shiro interrupts him. "GUYS. STOP. TALKING!" he exclaims sternly; taking Obvious pauses after each word to show his seriousness. "Becky only has ten minutes left for her cake and it's not even in the oven!"

Immediatly Keith's eyes grow wide and trail back to the show. "Becky you slow fuck!" He yells, making Lance double over in laughter once more. "BEN CAN'T WIN!"


"I can't believe Ben won." Keith sighst deeply as a pout plays on his lips. Shiro just groans, loudly. In the last five minutes Becky's cake burned and she even added the wrong Sugar. Lance didn't even know there is more then one kind of Sugar. 

"I can't believe I'm acutally sad that Becky didn't win." he says and Keith snorts. They look at each other and both start chuckling uncontrolably because of each others sad faces.

Keith is the first one to calm down a little, "Yeah well, that's the effect Becky has on people. If I were straight; i'd want her to be my Sugar momma."

"Wouldn't go there with her if I were you, she's going to be the brown Sugar momma instead of the cane Sugar." 

And again they start laughing and wheezing in amusement. Lance wouldn't have thought that this would be how their night would go. They were so tense just moments ago. Maybe Shiro is the reason their tension broke or the cooking show.

Or Becky.

"Okay. This is my que to go, you horny teens are getting nasty." Shiro says and stands up from the sofa in order to walk towards his room. 

"We're just getting started! Going into your room is no use; you know how noisy this house is!" Keith yells after him without a hint of shame, while Lance is just slowly crumbling inside. "I won't hold back!"

Shiro groans in agony as he enters his room and slam the door shut very loudly. Lance just grabs a pillow from his left and presses his face into it. He is so freaking embaressed. The fact that he actually really wants that and that Keith may not be joking; both turn him on a little bit...a lot...ouch.

Keith on the other hand just continues his previous laughter, "I love making Shiro embarrassed ." he says softly. Lance could suddenly feel Keith's eyes burn on him from the right. "Dude, are you okay?"

Before his mind could process any kind of words, he moves the pillow from the face to his lap. His pants are getting tighter and his face is growing redder. "Hah, yeah! I'm perfectly fine."

He mentally slaps himself for getting aroused by Keith irritating Shiro with some sex jokes. "Wait. No. Seriously?" Keith suddenly asks, looking at Lance with unreadable eyes. Lance bites his lip and says nothing, does nothing. "LANCE OH MY GOD!"





They both groan in unison. Lance looks everywhere around the house, but Keith just stares awkwardly at his friend. "I want to ask if you need help with that, but I actually think I'm not able to help." he says, making Lance's pants even tighter. "Just.. Go to the bathroom, take a shower. Ask Shiro for clothes."


"Shiro?" Lance knocks on the door softly, hoping Shiro would just yell at him to open the door, because he can't have Shiro sling open the door. The tent in his pants is painfully visible. Luckily Shiro indeed just groans in response, so Lance slowly pushes open the door. Just far enough for his head to poke inside. "Can I borrow some pj's for this week? Didn't pack any." Lance tries so hard to talk as casual as possible.

"Yeah sure." Shiro answers and luckily immediately throws a pair of black plaid pyjama bottoms and a white shirt.

Lance catched them without a problem, thanked Shiro and moved on to the bathroom where he immediately locks the door.

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