September 5th

7.9K 389 400

9 pm


"Can we at least talk about what happened?" Lance asks Keith softly. They're currently watching a movie and Keith has been sitting as far away as possible for almost the whole movie. It's making Lance uncomfortable. They're watching a bad horror movie, so pausing the movie to talk isn't necessary.

Keith groans, "Hell no." he snarls. Lance flinches, before letting his face drop. Keith takes notice of the change of behavior. They both don't feel at ease. "Just drop it."

Lance nods and sights deeply. He's struggling to find a comfortable position on the couch; which is driving Keith insane.
The couch keeps wobbling Keith up and down as his tall friend shifts and changes from position every damn second.

"Lance, oh my god, just sit." he remarks, a hint of irritation taking over his voice. Lance groans loudly at this. How is he supposed to JUST SIT on the couch of his crush who was just touching his bare chest a few minutes ago. HE WASN'T ABLE TO JUST SIT?!

As he shuffles around one more time, Keith snaps and he grabs Lance's arm to pulls him into his side. Lance let's out a little yelp at the sudden movement. "Wha..Keith.." he whines as their hips clash against each other a bit painfully. Keith sneaks his arm around Lance's waist and Lance just drops his head on Keith's shoulder with a giggle. "If you wanted to cuddle, you could've just asked."

Keith snorts, "I just wanted you to stop moving." He softly bites his lip, like he does a lot of times. "And you seemed sad, I don't know." Lance is silent. Too silent for Keith's liking, but decides to not push his tan friend to talk. They simply stay cuddled on the couch; movie still running in the background.

"I am." Lance says honestly and cuddles up closer to the warmth of his friend. "It's not fun to get yelled at, you know."

His voice has a slight tremble. it makes Keith's heart ache. His mind is trying to find the right words to say, but his body seems to work faster. He presses Lance's face into his chest a bit forcefull, but makes up for it by pressing his lips onto the slightly curled mess that's Lance's hair. He kisses the top of his friends head firmly, before resting his chin on top of it. Keith's not going to lie: holding someone who's taller then you does feel weird, but also very good. He wants to comfort Lance the best he can.

"Does your dad also pick fights with your siblings? Or only your mom and you?" Keith asks as soft as possible. Lance doesn't react to Keith's actions at all, to Keith's dissapointment. "Talk to me McClain."

Lance groans into Keith's chest in aboslute embaressment. "He only yells at my mom and me." His voice gets muffled by Keith's chest, but it's still understandable enough. "Nobody likes me."

This is when Keith almost felt his heart LITERALLY cry. The way those words left Lance's mouth like they were absolutely nothing. He just spew them out as if  they were part of a fact. Keith felt anger and a lot of protectiveness rise up in him as he pushes Lance's off him to find his eyes. Lance looked dumbfounded. Not sad, dissapointed or angry. He looked like he just said nothing.His eyesbrows perk up in confusement, as Keith stares at him with this look of empathy. "That's a big fat fucking lie." Keith snorts. The taller boy finally seems to understand the situation.

"It's actually not. Name one person who actually enjoys being with me." He says and laughs cold-heartedly as Keith bites his lip to prevent himself from spilling things. "There you go. You have proven my point."

Keith wants to scream, yell or do whatever to let Lance know he's so fucking wrong, but his mouth is painfully shut. He can't seem to find the right words, as he doesn't want to make this embarrassing and also not make him feel uneasy. He could just repeat that he's wrong, but Lance obviously will ask for proof again.

Suddenly Shiro walks into the house with multiple plastic bags. A grin is plastered upon his face as he sees the tall, tan boy sitting next to his little brother. Keith glares at him and stands up from the couch in order to help Shiro carry some bags over to the kitchen counter. "Isn't it a bit late for Chinese food?" he asks, while lifting up one eyebrow at his brother. Shiro chuckles lowly, "When will you ever learn, it's never too late for Chinese food."

Suddenly Lance pops up at Keith's side. His eyes trail over the bags of food as his stomach gives a sound of approval. "Damn straight." he replies to Shiro. "I'm Lance by the way!" He sticks out his hand for the massive guy to shake and Shiro shakes it politely. "I'm Shiro, nice to meet you Lance."

Lance chuckles and Keith feels his face twist to confusion. He thought Lance would at least be impressed or intimidated by Shiro's height or muscles, but he literally just doesn't care. "So, you sharing your food? Or are all these bags just for the big guy?" Keith asks as he starts unpacking the different kinds of Chinese food. Meanwhile, he could just feel Lance's drool on his shoulder.

Shiro quirks up his eyebrows, "Thought it was too late for food?" he asks. A smirk starts to play on the corners of his lips. Keith copies the action effortlessly.
"It's not for me, but for the hungry drooler behind me." Keith snarls and Lance immediately takes a few steps back.

"HEY! We had like bread for dinner?! May I be hungry?" Lance deadpans.

"You gave your guest bread for dinner?"

"No." Keith pouts, "Yes, maybe."

Shiro rolls his eyes as he moves over to stand in between the two boys. He presses his hands to both of their shoulders. "Let's have a real dinner then."

(A/N: I promise next chapter won't suck! I'm trying to switch between the sort of point of views of Lance and Keith per chapter, it's not working out great, but I'll get there. The storyline will develop and so will the characters, I'm so sorry for the delay and badness of this.)

Let's meet? (Klance Texting Fic) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon