Chapter 2 - Game Plan

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Pia’s P.O.V

My sister, a physical therapist by profession, 5 years older to me, was a go-getter, strong headed person. Both of us were average height and had beautiful olive skin. She was my mentor and would motivate me when I needed it and she just gave me the best news of my life, but I had to see the email before I believed it. It clearly said that I was selected and that I had to submit some documents and get my visa process rolling.

“This is most definitely the most happy day of my life. Yippee!!!” I said and  we both broke out in a happy dance and were giggling like school girls. I was close to my sister. We had always watched each other’s back and this was one time I was going to require all her support.

“You know right we have Mom to tackle with?” I ask my sister and stating the obvious. She just rolls her eyes and looks at me, “ Yes I know. She is just trying to put you in a protective shell considering you are the youngest, but don’t worry, dad and I are completely on team Pia! Tonight is the night baby… get ready with you ammo!” 

“Ammo??”, I ask. “Yes munchkin, ammo - your tears!”, She says in a tone as if it was obvious. 

“Mom and Dad will be home anytime from their party. They are going to be in a good mood and once you tell them you have got through, Dad will celebrate with us whereas mom’s mood will take a nose dive. But it needs to be done tonight so you can start on your paperwork. You also need to send your confirmation to the company.” 

Sometimes I wonder how clear headed can she be. What would I do without her. She has practically laid down a schedule for me, all I have to do is to follow it. But me delivering the news was a little nerve wracking. “Can you tell them about this?? I am nervous…” I plead with her. She looks at me as if I have gone mad, “Why? Its your achievement, you should be proud of it. You are going to tell them about it. Lets get cheesecake, the one that mom likes. To sugar coat her.”, she winks at me. Look at that, I am an emotional mess and she has already thought of plan B!

We get the cheese cake delivered and had a quick dinner. We were just lounging around the living room, this waiting was making me anxious by the minute.

Mom and dad finally come through the main door, “That was totally an unrequired comment. Especially in front of all those people.” We could hear our dad say. Mom on the other hand was laughing at our dad’s expense and said, “Papa Roy, take a chill pill!” Oh my God!! Did we just hear our mom joke around. This was definitely a first.

My sister had a sly smile and looked at me, “I think its going to be easier than we thought. Mom  has had wine this evening!”

Dad and mom didn’t expect to see us in the living room. But as soon as they enter, Diya pops up from the sofa and says, “ Papa Roy, Mama Roy… there is some very good news for you guys!”

My mom questions her, “Really? Did that chicken head propose you?” 

Uh Oh. My sister’s relationship was a sore topic in the family. “Mom, don’t get your hopes high. I am hanging around in this house a little longer. Its Pia…”

 Mom didn’t even let her complete the sentence and we could hear her squeal “Pia?? When, what, how and who is this guy? You are too young to be in a relationship… oh god, did he blackmail you or something? Pia open your damn mouth…”

I looked at the other two members of my family to help me and I notice dad was pretty amused by her rant, and Diya and dad shared a quick look. Dad understood and  broke into a huge grin. He came and hugged me and congratulated me. “I am so proud of you baby Roy!”

“Don’t you baby Roy her.” My mom says, “She is too young to get married. She has her career goals.”

Diya quips in, “Exactly mom. She has career goals, which involve she grabbing an opportunity.”

Mom giving her a quizzing look, I clarify, “ Mom, Dad, I got the internship at the San Francisco media company. They are expecting my reply. I really want to go Mom. Please.”

“I will let you but on one condition, you will skype with us every single night.”  

“I will, I will...” I was in tears. I was not sure if she will agree so quickly. I hugged her and dad, my sister joined in for a family hug. “This calls for a celebration with cheesecake! For now” Diya quipped making us all laugh. “So you both were sure your mom would agree?” Dad asked us.

“It’s all about taking chances dad, we had to take chances. Its time to celebrate not overthink… lets dig in!” Diya murdered the cheesecake with her fork, making all of us laugh.


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