Chapter 4 - Hello San Fran! Hello new beginnings...

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With a stopover in Dubai and almost a day of travelling, any one will be in a sour mood. I am excited as well as exhausted… I didn’t realise travelling could be taxing. I could kill anyone for a bed, pillow and a blanket. I miss home… oh god.. no.. no… I can do this. I want to live my dream.

After giving myself a pep talk, I head to collect my luggage after the immigration procedures. I was informed John will be here to pick me up. After collecting my luggage, I headed towards the exit. There was a man standing with my name written on a placard. I quickly went towards him.

“John? Hi, I am Pia Roy.”

“Welcome to San Francisco Miss Roy and most importantly, welcome to Coleman Media Works.”

“Thank you!”

He led me towards the car and was kind enough to get my luggage in the boot of the car. Once he sat in the driver’s seat, he said, “We are headed to your apartment for your duration with CMW. It’s a four bedroom space which you would be sharing with your other three co workers I have seen to it that the apartment has been stocked with the supplies, in case you need anything else you can always tell me.” When he said that he removed an Iphone 5s from the dashboard and gave it to me. “All the important numbers are stored on it already. In any case your co worker, who is flying in from the Philippines will be here tomorrow afternoon, so you would have company then.”

I smiled warmly at him. John was friendly and welcoming. I couldn’t resist asking, “ Do you think we can stop to grab a coffee? This jet lag is taking a toll on me.”

John smiled, “ Coffee would do you no good Miss Roy. I suggest you just catch up on sleep. You should be fine by tomorrow morning. You did a good thing by landing at night. It will help you fall in a routine faster. In any case there will be Advil in the first aid kit in one of the kitchen cabinets. That will help in case you have a headache in the morning.”

Well, yes caffeine would keep me awake… how did I skip that fact? While I was still comprehending all the information John had given me, we were at the apartment. John had a key card and buzzed us right through the entrance. He specified that he would always have a key card with him so will my co workers and I.

“Thank you John for a safe and a quick ride here and for helping me to get settled in.”

“The pleasure is all mine Miss Roy. I will see you tomorrow afternoon. Sleep well.”

With John leaving me alone in the apartment, it was way too silent. As I was the first one to arrive, I was at the liberty of choosing the room. Each room had a view and was tastefully done. Nothing short of a posh hotel room with all the facilities. There was one room which had windows on two sides. I chose that one because I love sunlight, also, it overlooked at the park below.

I didn’t have much time to ponder on my decision as my headache came back with a vengeance. I haphazardly unlocked my bag and got a change of clothes. Once done with my routine, I sank in the bed and that is when I realized I was all alone in this apartment. My heart was racing, and I quickly checked if the main door was secured. That’s when I realized John had mentioned that only people with the key card could enter the building and that there were security cameras around. Realizing I couldn’t do much, I got back to my inviting and cozy bed, praying my headache could vanish and hoping that I can adjust to the new surroundings and do my parents proud.


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