Chapter 3 - Blurr & the jitters

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After our little family celebration, the next few days blurred past…. actually an entire month. Getting all my documents in place, my visa, my tickets and catching up with all those friends who wanted to meet before I went away for my internship. Why does every friend on earth want to meet me before I go? and eat up my time with my family? Its not like I am dying… a girl has loads of things to do before such an important trip of  her life. Sheesh. If friends were not enough, 2 days before I leave, all of a sudden the extended family wants to celebrate my achievement! Really? Just before I go? Who ever thought privacy was important… Don't get me wrong… I love my family. But, I am a bundle of nerves. Initially out of excitement, but now I was dreading this trip. I was leaving behind my comfort zone and venturing into the unknown territory.

“Why does it look like you just had  bitter medicine?” Diya asked, nudging my shoulder lightly. I was near my bed, packing a bag for my trip. “Why? Why? I am in no mood to entertain… I want my peace with you all…” I couldn’t even complete a sentence, what I said didn’t even make sense to me when I  heard it. I just dump the things in the bag haphazardly and sit on my bed. “Wowww, hold on… what are you saying? Mood to entertain? peace with you all? Elaborate please… we here can not read minds you know!”

Mom also joined us in our room, I looked at her almost glassy-eyed, “Mom why do we have to have this dinner?  Not that I don't love my extended  family but, the topic of discussion will be my trip… the trip that I am dreading now, they will just continually make me realize that my trip is just a day away!!! I just want to spend some quality time with you, dad, Diya and Sapz.”

Just when I was having my mini bout of a breakdown, the doorbell rings. “That must be your grandparents. We will have our quality time. I promise. Now just be a good girl and just freshen up and come.” She smiles and leaves my room to attend to her parents in law.

“What is making you so emotional?”  I eye my sister for not understanding the turmoil in my heart. I am someone who ventures on the tried and tested route and with some company. I was going to be all by myself in San Francisco. “Nothing… chuck it.” My grandmother’s booming voice invades the peace of our home.

Dad sensed my uneasiness and he came to me and put his arm around my shoulder and whispered, “ Let's do this tiger... Got to come out alive after this family dinner!” I know it was his way of pepping me up. Everything was a blur after that. I don’t even recollect what all happened and who spoke to me about what. It was that kind of conversation which was not important to me and the answers to the questions were general… which I produced mechanically.

Next day, Sapz came to meet me when I was almost done with the packing and arranging my documents, which my over precautions sister had scanned and email all of us a copy, just in case we needed it for quick reference. Sapna bought me a photo frame with my family, her and my picture on it. All the important people in my life in one photo frame. Needless to say, my eyes were glassy and I hugged my best friend so hard until she was out of breath.

“I am going to miss you Pia. Be a good girl and have some fun there!” She winks at me. I look at her puzzled, “Fun?”. She rolls her eyes and explains, “ Yeah. Don’t sit at your home like a hermit. Go out, party with your colleagues, have a drink or two… get naughty with someone!” And she starts laughing at the obvious discomfort her topic of conversation bought me. “You know Sapz, I am not a very social person.” She simply retorts, “ Then be one. Trust me there is nothing wrong in going out once in a while as far as you know your limits and you are aware about your surroundings. Don’t let anyone take your advantage at workplace or otherwise. About everything else, you are good to go and you know I am just a message away.” “Yes, that I know.” I smile knowingly at my friend. We bicker for a while and then she left.

I spend some quality time with my family, until it was time to go to the airport. Mom reminded me at least twice, followed once by my dad and once by my sister if I had kept all the important documents, confirmation letters, tickets , money and  Ipad. I relished these moments, as once I am alone, no one will remind me if I had done things or no. I was going to be on my own.

“Until you get a cell phone there, keep using your local number on roaming. I don’t want to be in a situation where I can not reach my daughter,” Dad instructed. He then kissed my temple and we all headed to the airport. As soon as we reach the airport, Mom can not hold her tears back, “Call us every day and eat healthy.” “I will mom, I will.” Dad in the meanwhile had loaded my luggage on a trolley. My sister, who is the practical one amongst us, also had glassy eyes, “ Take care munchkin. Stay smart. Don’t be emotional, stay safe, don’t trust everyone easily and come back soon.” I hug my sister, and thank god for her small capsules of knowledge which she keeps giving me.  Dad patiently waited until I turned to him. He was calm and composed as opposed to the women of the house. “Live it up kid. It’s your dream. Make the most of it.”  He is a man of little, but precious words, he motions for me to grab my luggage and walks with me until I am the entrance of the airport. One last time we have a family hug and I have been left alone to explore the world in front of me.


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