Chapter 36: Blue Lights

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I woke up from my sleep once I heard a loud noise. I jumped up grabbing my gun from out my night shelve. I know there better not be anybody in my house. I held it behind me walking out my door. I looked around to see where the noise was coming from. I heard another thump and it was coming from Josie's side. I opened her door to see her and Morgan knocked out as well, to my right Jace was fully up jumping up and down in his crib. "Why you so turnt this morning? I asked placing my gun in the pocket of my robe. "Fuck, what time is? I asked walking over where her phone was charged. I saw a few unknown calls and a message from Ronnie.

Ronnie: Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that love. If there's anything you need from me let me know. I placed her phone down. "Josie wake up...... Morgan wake up" I spoke. Morgan slowly got up rubbing her eyes. "Good morning" she spoke. "Good morning" I said watching her go the bathroom. "Josie get up" I said. Jace began screaming jumping and down. He threw his bottles and stuffed animals all on the floor. "Stop it" I laughed. Josie would not budge or move at all and I was starting to get annoyed. I know she just got some heartbreaking news but we had some things that needed to get done today. Her and Kamaya needed to add the finishing touches to the fashion show and we had to show our face at this networking brunch. I moved her shoulder a bit and she finally opened her bloodshot eyes. I could tell she's been crying all night. "Josie, I'm not going to call you again" I warned. "Hmm" she groaned turning over. "Get up, you gotta take Morgan to school and at 2pm we have a brunch to attend" I said.

"I'm not going," she said. "The hell you are," I said. "I don't want to go okay; I can't do it. just want to lay around" she whined

"I've been up all night trying to call her back, but I can't" she added

"After I drop Morgan off you better be dressed nicely. I'll be back by 1 pm" I said.

"Ricky, just tell them I don't feel well," she said.

"You're going to this brunch, there's no getting out of this sorry," I said. She rolled her eyes attempting to fall back asleep.


I put Jace in the car seat making sure he was strapped in. "Mr. Ricky, can I sit up front? Morgan asked. I turned around to see her in her cute little uniform with her pigtails. "No" I answered.

"But I wanna-

"You're too small kid... get in," I told her. She frowned climbing in the backseat.

"But Megan's parents let them get in the front seat," she said.

"So what? I laughed

"Put your seatbelt on" I said before pulling off. "Its boring back here" she said. I began to laugh "Its a car ride not a rollercoaster" I said. My music from my phone instantly played. Tupac- Hail Mary started playing

Come with me, Hail Mary

Run quick see, what do we have here

Now, do you want to ride or die

La dadada, la la la la

I nodded my head about to light my cigarette but I stopped once I realized they were in the car. So much for that.

Come with me, Hail Mary

Run quick see, what do we have here

Now, do you want to ride or die

La dadada, la la la la"

I turned the music down some listening to her sing a long.

"Do you want to ride or die, la dadada, la la la la"

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