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"If they loved you, they would have come for you."

"We'll find her, Dean."

"Your brothers never loved you like they love each other. You're not even full Winchester."

"She's a Winchester. She'll get through this."

"You're gonna wish you were dead when I'm through with you, love."

"She's alive, Sam. I know it."

"Y/N Winchester is gone."

"Y/N isn't gone. We'll get her back."

Six months. Y/N had been gone for six months. Sam and Dean searched day and night for her, turning up every stone to find their little sister. They feared the worst but wouldn't stop until they found her.

It all happened after a fight she and Dean had. It was big, yelling and screaming, horrible words spat at each other. He eventually kicked her out, telling her to leave and he didn't care where she went. She packed up and left with the words, "I hate you," hanging in the air.

He regretted it immediately. Not even two minutes after she left, he opened the motel door and went out into the night to apologize. But by that time, she had already been taken, a single note on his car confirming his worst fear.

He should have been smarter. Lucifer was in the wind and Dean knew he'd do anything to get Sam to say yes. He took their little sister, planning on twisting the not yet eighteen year old into someone else. Someone who wasn't Y/N.

After six months of mental torture, Lucifer had succeeded. The once sweet and innocent Winchester now a feral, psychotic version of herself. Lucifer smiled, watching as Y/N laughed and sang to herself in her small cell. He unlocked it, beckoning her forward, holding out his hand for her. She took it, following him as he led her through the halls of the abandoned prison. He walked her into a room, a single chair in the center, a man tied to it and gagged. Lucifer smirked and handed her a knife, watching with pride as she gave him a sadistic smile and maniacal giggle before skipping over to the man and slicing him like there was no tomorrow.

Lucifer had created the ultimate weapon against the Winchesters. Now all that was left to do was set his pet free, allowing her to rein her terror on the world.

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