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The brothers stared at Y/N horror stricken. She was bathed in shadows, having moved further into the dark as she made her way towards them. They were frozen, watching as their sister emerged from the darkness and into the doorway.

They couldn't believe that the girl in front of them was their baby sister. Her H/C hair was wild and matted, sticking up in every direction. Her once innocent E/C eyes now held a sinister look in them, causing a shiver to go down Sam's spine. Bite marks, bruises and various scratches and cuts littered her skin, along with patches of dried blood, some not her own.

She leaned her cheek against the doorframe and smiled. A smile that made the brothers sick to their stomachs.

"Sam and Dean," Y/N said. Dean flinched at her low, raspy voice. A voice unrecognizable coming from her mouth. "My big brothers have finally come for me."

"Y/N," Sam began. He kept his voice slow and soft, trying his hardest not to frighten her. "We're here to take you home."

"Home?" She asked. She backed away, further into darkness.

"Yes, your home. With us and Bobby. Your family."

"Family," Y/N scoffed. She leaned back against her cell wall. "A family who left me here."

"We looked for you," Sam said. "We tried so hard to find you."

"We hoped we weren't too late. We thought maybe he had killed you," Dean murmured. "But, you're alive."

"And look at what I've become," She seethed, moving out of the darkness. Her lips were curled into a snarl, the low light from the hallway gleaming off her blood stained teeth. "I suggest you two leave before Luci shows up. He'll just make me handle you like the others."

"Luci?" Dean raised a brow.

"Others?" Sam asked lowly.

"I don't want to leave with you," She growled, her eyes focusing on Dean. "You sent me away. I'm staying here."

"No. You're coming with us," Dean said. He stormed into the room, his shoulders wide and a hard look on his face. Y/N cowered back, her angry persona suddenly changing to one of a frightened child, and she curled in on herself against the wall. But Dean ignored her scared demeanor and bent down to scoop her up into his arms.

She whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut as he carried her out into the hall. She shook like a leaf in Dean's arms, her soft whines making his hear clench in his chest.

Sam led the way silently, hoping to God they wouldn't be caught. The hallways were dark and damp, the only light sources the flickering, dangling overhead lights. The air was cool, goosebumps forming over Y/N's exposed skin. She didn't mind the cold, for she usually was kept in frigid temperatures in her cell.

She glanced around, taking in the part of the prison she had never been before. They passed old cells, some much like hers or very different. But all of them were the same; cold, dark and eerie.

What are you doing, Y/N? The voice asked. Y/N flinched, the sudden sound in her brain startling her. You can't go with them. He'll just find you again. And besides, you had so much more fun with him.

Y/N shook her head and bit her lip to keep from answering. The voice sighed, and Y/N could practically feel it rolling its eyes.

Ignoring someone is childish, Y/N. You know it's true, why go with them when you could stay here with Luci and have fun with us.

"No," Y/N whispered. Dean gave her an odd look, but Y/N didn't notice.

If you think this will fix you, you're in for a rude awakening, Y/N. I will still be here, the shadows will follow you. You're not getting rid of us so easily.

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