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Dean's lips closed around the mouth of the bottle. He tipped it back and let the amber liquid flow into his mouth and down his throat, the familiar burn welcoming.

He and Sam had been at it all day, searching and trying their hardest to find even a hint of their sister's whereabouts. It was once again a day full of nothing but dead ends and broken hearts.

Sam was asleep, curled up on the dingy motel bed, Y/N's necklace still around his neck. It was a simple silver chain with a single bird dangling from it. It was a gift from Dean for her twelfth birthday. She rarely took it off, but ended up throwing it at Dean during their argument. Sam had picked it up and hadn't taken it off since.

Dean sat at the table, consumed in grief and drenched in the darkness of the room and his own mind. He couldn't imagine what torture she was enduring. His baby sister was in the hands of the devil himself, and it was all his fault.

He let out a sharp breath and chucked the bottle against the far wall, the glass shattering on impact and falling to the floor. Sam flinched and bolted upright, grabbing his gun from the bedside and looking around the room. He saw no threat, only a fuming brother across the room.

"Dean," Sam droned, voice still thick with sleep. "Go to bed."

"It's all my fault, Sammy," Dean croaked. He sniffed and ran a hand down his face, his eyes stinging from unshed tears. "She's with Lucifer because I kicked her out. She's probably dead because of me."

"Don't say that, Dean," Sam hissed. "She's not dead."

"We don't know that. It's been six months, Sam. We haven't found anything." Dean said.

"Then we'll keep looking. We'll find her." Sam told his brother. He laid back down, placing his gun on the bedside table. He turned his back on his brother, facing the wall, letting a few of his own tears roll down his cheeks and soak the sheets. He kept a good attitude around Dean, hoping to fuel his ambition. But the truth was, Sam was just as scared as Dean. Hell, Lucifer was out of the cage because of his ignorance. Sam felt just as guilty as his brother, and it hurt like a bitch to think of what his little sister could be going through at that very moment.


"Please," The man pleaded. "Just kill me." His breaths came in wheezing pants, tears streaming down his face. The blade rested under his chin, tilting it up to look into her eyes.

"Oh, honey," She sighed. She stroked his blood caked cheek, the man flinching from her touch. "We're just getting started."

She leaned back and plunged the blade into the man's lung.


"Come on, Cas," Dean pleased. "You've got to have something."

Castiel sighed and looked up at the green eyed hunter with sympathetic eyes. He could see how broken Dean was. His guilt was eating away at him, and the angel didn't know how to help his friend.

Cas had been trying his damndest to find Y/N but she seemed to be warded. He had a soft spot for the littles Winchester and his heart broke knowing she was with such a monster. His efforts to find her had all failed, the angel turning up with absolutely nothing.

"I'm sorry, Dean," Cas said. Dean closed his eyes and clenched his fists, willing the tears that were behind his lids to stay put. Sam watched wearily as Dean rubbed his neck and collapsed in his chair. He picked up the whisky bottle wordlessly and drank, knowing that his pain would dull for a moment with the haze the alcohol brings.


"Hmm..." Y/N hummed to herself. She traced her fingers along the cracks in the cell wall, walking along and tilting her head back and forth. A broken tune fell past her lips and echoed against the concrete walls around her. Her fingers were stained with the man's blood, Lucifer not giving her time to wash them before shoving her back into confinement. She didn't really mind, or notice the color at all quite frankly, but she didn't like the stickiness.

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