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"What did you do?" Bobby asked, watching as her blood dripped to the floor. She tilted her head and licked her lips, her bloody tongue painting them red.

She moved quickly, bringing the knife up and throwing it, the blade lodging itself in Sam's shoulder before they could react. He let out a cry of pain and stumbled back, Dean letting out a growl as his little sister simply giggled.

"Oh this is going to be fun!" She laughed, her earlier calm and anxious demeanor gone. It seemed as though she was an entirely different person, reminding Sam of when they first had rescued her. She didn't seem scared at all. She was feral, wanting the taste of blood and pain, and it shook the men to the core. She was different, and even with Castiel's help, they weren't sure if they'd ever see Y/N back to normal. But even if they did, they'd never be able to rid this image from their mind. The picture of pure insanity inside the youngest Winchester would always be painted inside their brains, and that scared them deeply, knowing the once pure and sweet image of her was now tainted, and they'd never be able to erase the scene before them as long as they lived.

Y/N's blood dripped steadily from her wounds, little drops plinking on the tiles beneath her feet as they fell from her skin. She tilted her head, her E/C eyes deranged, an absolute lucid look that made the men's blood run cold. She could almost feel the man who turned her like this hovering over her shoulder, whispering horrible things in her ear, telling her what he wants her to do to the men in front of her. Various tortures, ranging from a simple cut to ripping their eyes out and watching them wriggle and scream in their bindings.

"So, who wants to play?" She purred, crouching like a cougar ready to pounce. Bobby gulped, a twinge of fear pulling at his heart. She was a young girl, but she was more feral than some monsters he had dealt with.

Cas took a step forward, earning a growl from the girl, her lips curling into a snarl, her teeth barring. He took a step back then, putting his hands up defensively. He may be an angel, but he doesn't want to trigger another attack on herself or one of the guys.

Sam winced and placed his hand over the blade, pulling it out slowly. He pressed against the bleeding wound firmly, blood seeping through his fingers as his eyes were trained on his little sister. Dean grabbed the knife from Sam and pushed past Bobby and Cas.

"Dean," Cas warned, grabbing his arm. Dean jerked himself from the angel's grasp and snarled at the girl.

"If you wanna play," He said. "Let's play. I'm tired of this shit. You're a fucking shaking mess one second and a psychotic bitch the next. If you wanna play, fine. But I'm not going easy on you."

"Dean!" Bobby growled.

"Can it, Bobby." Dean's emerald eyes were locked with the E/C ones of the youngest Winchester, the tiniest of smiles hinting on her blood stained lips.

"Well, big bro," She said softly. She held out her arms, giving him a wide grin. "Let's dance!"

Before he could react, she lunged at him, kneeing him in the groin and bashing her head into his nose. He groaned and dropped the knife, which she caught and ducked under his arm. She slipped past the men and backed up down the hall, close to the stairs.

"Too slow, old man," She said. She grabbed the railing of the stairs and leaped over the edge. The men dashed to the railing, looking over it to see that she landed on all fours, her murderous smile looking up at them. "Well, aren't you gonna play with me?

Dean growled and sprinted down the stairs after her, the protests of the other men distant in his ears as he only focused on her. The girl that was no longer his sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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