Dear diary (Jk ver)

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Dear diary.

Today has been a good day.

Me and (Y/N) went on a date. It was the first time we were alone since we got engaged.
I love sayig that!

"We're engaged"

Omg it sounds so weird tho.


I think she's insecure...

I don't know how to stop that.
I wish i could do magic, and then i would only use it to make her happy.

I looooooove her <3

She makes me really happy.

She said yes to come with us on the Love Yourself Tear tour in europe. Yay!

We're still not done with the album, but i'm going to show PD'nim my new song tomorrow, and then we are gonna make it!

I'm really excited!!!!!!

Anyways, (Y/N) already fell asleep, so i'm just gonna go to sleep too.

Love, Jungkook

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