Chapter 18

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You two sat on the couch. He had his arm around you, and you leaned into him. It was really silent, your phone kept ringing, but you didn't want to answer, it was just your mom and Jimin, asking about it.

You turn to Jungkook. "Why is this so hard?" You asked and stood up, so he wouldn't see you cry more.

You walked into the kitchen, and you heard Jungkook talking on the phone

"Sir, i swear i didn't do it!"
"She wasn't there!"
"It's all lies!"

You ran into the living room. "Jungkook? What is it?"

"Someone told PD'PD'nim that you told them, that you and I got into a fight.. And..."

"And what!?"

"I killed you.."

"You said 'she wasn't there'" You said concerned.

"Yoongi's crash. Everyone thinks you were in the car and grabbed the wheel to crash on purpose for attention".

"Wait, so I crashed the car with Yoongi, then you and I fought and you killed me?" You asked confused.

He looked at you woth tears in his eyes.

"Oh my god! No no no no, JUNGKOOK! they hate both of us!?" You shouted.

"I think so, PD'nim asked to meet him and the other members at the studio".

"...And Yoongi?"

"He's back, let's just go".

You put on a jacket and ran to Jungkooks car and drove to the studio. When you were there, there were fans, paparazzi and other idols too. You put a mask and a beanie on, so they couldn't get a photo of your faces. You ran inside, but everyone tried to stopped you, but failed.

You were finally inside and Jimin ran over to you and hugged you.

"Where are they?" Jungkook asked.

"The office".

You ran to the office, where everyone was, and cried when you saw everyone.

" Y/N.." You heard Tae say, but you couldn't see anything, because you were crying..

"What's happening?" You asked and sat down by the table.

You took the mask and beanie off and sat down by the table. Jungkook and Jimin thwn came in, and Jungkook was mad.

"Who the fuck came up with all of this!?" He asked.

"Watch you language Jeon! Now ALL of you are going to explain everything. Was she in the car? Why does evwryone think you killed her?" PD'nim asked.

"She wasn't in the car, I was on my way to talk to her" Yoongi said.

"And the murder part?"

"We broke up for a while and our fans didn't heard from her yet" Jungkook said.

"See how easy that was? Now it's all cleared up, and i can fix this. Now I just need to talk to Y/N alone" He said.

Everyone left the room and you sat still. You were really scared, but it turned out to be something amazing.

"Y/N, Jimin has told me a lot about you. And he also showed me a video of you two singing, which got me thinking...." He said

"Sorry, I'll talk to him" You said, thinking that he wanted Jimin to stop.

"No no, You have an amazing voice, and i was going to offer you a contract" He said with a big smile.

"But Sir, everyone hates me out there".

"That's why I think you should say yes. Here in BigHit Entertainment, we can fix that. When people hear your voice, that's gonna disappear, I promise" He said.

"What about the songs? I've never written a song in my life".

"I've already asked Suga, and he agreed to write songs for you, and we do have songwriters all around us" He smiled again "So, what do you say?".

You looked at the table and thought about it for a while.

"I'll do it".

He handed you some papers to sign, and you signed all of them, then you both stood up and shook hands.

You both walked to the dance studio, where the members were.

"Boys, I have news for you" He said.

Yoongi smiled, but no one else knew what he was talking about.

He stepped away from you.
"Meet our new Idol" He said.

The boys were really excited and even started screaming and hugged you. Yoongi already knew, but he was so happy, he started tearing.

"Aw stop it Yoongi, i'm not used to seeing you like this" You teased.

Hoseok atopped and looked at all of you in a really weird way.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon asked him.

"30 minutes ago, we were all scared that our careers were over, and now, we have a new Idol".

Jin looked up from his phone. "And the rumours stopped".

Everyone cheered, and you agreed to go to Jungsik to celebrate.

When you sat there, everyone got a notification, it was your introduction video, with old videos that Yoongi had put togwther. He had asked all the members for videos of you, and he made the video juat in case you said yes.

"I'm officially a Kpop Idol" You said.

"My girlfriend is a Kpop Idol" Jungkook said and laughed.

It was getting really late, so you all went home to bed, thinking thst tonorrow was gonna be flippin amazing.

Wordcount: 863 words

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