Chapter 20

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You sat on your laptop and looked through Twitter.

Suddenly you heard Jungkook playing the piano in the living room.

You listened, to figure out what song it was, but you didn't recognise it.
You slowly walked closer to the door and stood for a while.
When he stopped playing, you entered the room. "What song was thst?" You asked.

"The Truth Untold" He said, but he sounded annoyed.

He stood up and walked right passed you. "I'm going to the studio" He shouted and closed the front door.

You decided to ignore it. You sat down by the piano and started playing.

As you played, you started singing aswell.

Before you knew, 20 minutes had passed, and you heard the doorbell ring.

You were nervous, but excited.

"Hi, Y/N!" She said.

"Jieun, nice to see you" You replied.

You sat down in the kitchen and talked about your life. You got to know each other for hours.

"But I know you need to loose weight, snd I honestly just have one piece of advice..." She looked at you and sighed "You should drink alcohol instead of eating"

Her advice made you think about it.

"Ah, sorry, it's getting late.. I should get going" She said.

You walked her to the door and said goodbye.

When she was gone, you sat down by the piano. You started singing a rsndom song that popped into your head and you tried to play the piano aswell, but you never really learned it, so it didn't sound so good.

You sat up almost all night and wrote a song.

Breathe by Lee Hi

When it was 4am, you realized that Jungkook wasn't home.

You called him, but his phone was shut off.

You called everyone in the group, but no one answered.

Lastly, you called Jimin, and he answered.


"Jimin-ah! Have you seen Jungkook?"

"No? Why are you calling so late!!?" He basically shouted.

"Because Jungkook went to the studio this afternoon, and he still hasn't got back. I'll just go to the studio to see if he's there. Good night" You said with an annoyed tone.

"Y/N! I'm coming with you"

"Oppa! You don't have to. If something's wrong, i'd rather see for myself..."

You ran out to the car and rushed to the studio. As you got there, there were alot of papparazzi, so you coveres your face and ran i side.

"Jungkook-ah!" You shouted, hoping for an answer, but nothing.
You looked everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found.
Finally, you went to the dance room. There he was, on the middle of the dance floor, sitting on the ground with a bottle of whisky infront of him (didn't know what else alcohol to say).
"Oppa..." you said and slowly walked to him.
"Jagyia.. i'm sorry.. i know you hate when i drink, but i just really needed it.." he said.
You didn't say anything, you just walked closer, sat down infront of him and took his glass and drank all of it. You filled up the glass again and handed it to Jungkook. You started thinking about what Jieun said about drinking. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, but of course you couldn't tell anyone, because they would try to stop you and think you're an alcoholic, so this secret was just yours, to keep to yourself.

Wordcount: 569 words

Eyoo! Sorry for not writing for a while, but i've been busy, finished school and got a job, moved, had to start a whole new life here and I just hope you u derstand <3
Thank you :))

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