useless (part 1)

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Ok so I'm only just starting out onto his app so go easy on me. This might trigger some people so I'd advise you to be careful. If you have and suggestions for one shots feel free to message me about it!!! Hope you enjoy this! Feel free to leave constructive criticism!

~~lances pov~~
I stand in front of my door sobbing quietly. I wiped the tears from my face slowly, letting my sleeve soke them up.

I know if i take any longer Allura will lecture me again. Either way she probably will. It's inevitable. She thinks I'm useless, along with the rest of the team.

I take a deep breath and exhale slowly trying to calm my erratic breathing.
I manage to calm myself and i raise my head slowly and stared at the door.

'You can do this lance' I told myself.

The door slides open and i plaster on my signature smile. The smile that fools everyone. The smile that makes everyone believe i am the goofy flirty kid they think they know.

I walk out the door, forcing myself to put some spring in my step.

I get to the control room and go to open the door but the voices from inside make me hesitate.

"Where is lance! He's so useless!" i hear her growl angrily to the other paladins.

Shes right lance, you know she is.

"He's always late. He's really holding back the team" i hear shirt say tiredly.

You are the weakest link after all.

"He's probably doing it on purpose to he can make some stupid entrance" Keith groans. I could almost hear him rolling his eyes.

"Hey everybody! Sorry I'm late, had to put on my face" i joke, shooting finger guns to the whole group.

They groan collectively and glare at me. If looks could kill I'd me flat on the floor by now.

"Lance! That's the fifth time this week! You need to get your act together and start taking this seriously or we are going to have to find someone who will" shiro warns him angrily.

See I told you you are the seventh wheel.

The shake the bad thoughts from my head and grin through my pain.

"Yeah sorry shiro, I've just been really tired lately" i say forcing myself to sound bubbly.

Lies. I haven't slept properly in days. Last time I slept it was because I passed out from exhaustion for an hour or two. That was around 4 days ago I think.

"We're all tired lance! If we all slept in like you do we would never get anything done!" Allura shouts at me as she storms over to me.

I wince slightly but she doesn't notice.

"My bad, I'll try get up earlier next time!" I say grinning and scratching the back of my head.

Allura just sighs and rolls her eyes before returning to the front of the group.

"Ok paladins now we can start".

☆☆after Allura finishes speaking☆☆

~~lances pov~~

Everyone leaves the control room once Allura has finished talking. Allura and shiro glare at me as they leave . The others just ignore me.

"Hey pidge let's go work on the healing pods and try finish that upgrade we started" Hunk says excitedly to pidge. The agrees and they walk off.

Keith and Shiro go off to train somewhere and Coran and Allura walk off talking.

"Great I'm alone again" i laugh to myself bitterly.

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