the note

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Normal secondary school au. Lance is being bullied by the group because they think he ratted on then to a teacher about hacking into the schools exam results board. It was really lotor and his friends.

"Fuck you lance! Seriously! How could you rat on us like that!?" Pidge asks angrily. She hits me in the chest with her small hands.

Even though she's so small she manages to knock some of the air out of my chest.

"I didn't!" I cry desperately. "Please guys why would I?!" I ask.

Shiro and Allura just roll their eyes and turn away.

"Because you only ever think about yourself!" Keith snarls at me.

"That's not true! You know-" Hunk cuts me off quickly.

"No. We thought we knew. I thought we could trust you. You're lucky we didn't get expelled" Hunk says looking away angrily.

I feel a sharp pain deep in my heart.

"This is going on our records you asshole!" Pidge growls loudly

"But I didn't tell them I swear!" I yell sadly.

"Then why weren't you called in then!? You were the only one! What would anyone but you do that! And it's happened before! Anything we do gets ratted on all of us except you! Try explain that! " She cries angrily.

I reach a hand out to grab shirts shoulder.

"Guys please! I didn-"

"Save it lance. We're done with you. Let lotor have his fun with you and leave us alone. I hope he kills you" Shiro grunts moving away from my out stretched hand.

My hand freezes where it is and a shadow is cast over my eyes.

They all turn away and start walking away bitching about me loudly. Making sure I can hear every word that ethos around the halls.

I stand there with my hand in the air for a few minutes my mouth open and my eyes dull.

Their words are gone from halls now. My heart beat thrums steadily in my ears, my breathing making shallow noises and the sound of my heart slowly breaking.

I drop my hand suddenly. It hangs at my side, lifeless.

I did nothing. Why are they doing this to me?

I feel tears drip down my cheeks without me knowing.

They cast me aside and wont listen to anything I have to say.

What wonderful friends.

My feet drag me out of the school door and into the streets. Everything is a blur of dull dull colours.

I don't want to go home. I'd just be met with more sadness and hurt.

With more abuse.

I'm not ready to handle it right now.

I wander into the nearby playground. The sun has set giving the playground an eerie feel.

I crawl into a play tunnel and curl up with my bag under my head... and cry. Silently.

I cry so hard I can breath but I never make a sound. I scream so hard my throat feels rough but I never make a sound.

The last thought on my mind before i fall into restless dreamless sleep.


---time skip---

I crawl out of the tunnel after being woken by a dog sniffing me and children's laughter.

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