come with me

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A request from,  a reader, unfortunately I've lost the goddamn comment and can't bloody find it but to the person who gave it to me thank you and I am very sorry for my dopey ass ly x,      For Lance's birthday but he hates it because he's alone. I changed a couple things like if it was actually July it wouldn't be dark but shhhh. It is now  and he has lots of new family now. (Hey and also if any of you guys would like to check out my story Oliver Jones it's about a bisexual boi who Is in love with him old best friend and yeah... Shenanigans ensue)

I hate my birthday... I hate it so much.

I watch my mama light the candles on my cake with shaky hands, my father looming over her. My siblings sitting around the table, staying fully still.

The room is dim, the candles the only thing making the room bright.

My mama pulls away and they all stare at me, checking my father from the corners of their eyes.

No one sings, no one moves a muscle. I have no friends here with me. No one that isn't terrified of him. I'm too scared anyway, that if I did have friends he would hurt them too.

I feel myself shaking and I swallow thickly.

I blow out the candle and the room is plunged into darkness.

"Alright. Everyone to bed. Now" my father growls.

No one turns on a light no one makes a sound. No one argues that it's only 7 in the evening on a weekend. No one.

We all get up and go to bed.

I lie on my bed for hours upon hours. Staring numbly at the ceiling until my brain starts going to mush inside my skull.

I sit up.

I can't do this anymore.

I can't kill him either.

I don't want to leave my family, my little siblings but I have to.

I can't let him do this to me anymore or one of these days I'm going to break fully. The final chords of my sanity will snap.

Its so close this is the only way out from losing my goddamn mind.

I get down from my window and I run.

I just run.

It's late now. So late no one is left in the streets.

My eyes are stinging with air and with tears.

I get to the bridge. The Bridge. I came here two years ago... For the same reason. I wasnt broken enough to do it then but now... I'm too broken to be fixed.

I know I won't back down this time... And I'm happy. Excitement and sadness blossom on my gut. I wish the sadness would go away... I guess it will soon.

I get to the bridge and I stop. I'm breathing heavy and I'm crying hard. I can't seem to get enough air in.

I start walking over to the edge of the bridge, still panting. Then is tarted to climb.

I get myself over the bar successfully and I stand on the outer edge crying.

"I give up... This is it" I say quietly. Wind is whipping my hair around and my coat.

"Hey!" Someone yells.

I jump a little and wobble on the bridge.

I turn around and see a guy around my age standing on the other side of the bridge.

"What are you doing!" He yells, he puts his bag down on the floor.

What the fuck...

"What do you think?" I ask.

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