shock (part 2)

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I look up at lotor my heart frozen.

"Kill one of them?" I ask my voice hoarse and quiet.

"You've got it right paladine. Choose one or they all die and we let you go on your own. Kill one and one pest dies and you all go free" lotor purrs smirking


"What?" Lotor asks confused.

"Me. Kill me" I say my head hanging down.

"That's not part of the rules" he hisses.

"I am a paladin. Kill me. Let her go and kill me" I say lifting my head and staring him in the eyes.

Im the weakest anyway, they will get in better without me. Allira can take blue and everything will be fine. If we lose one of them the team will never fix itself. At least with me I'm replaceable.

None of them are.

"I. Choose. Me" I growl.

Lotor looks shocked for all of two seconds before the smirk comes back.

"I'm afraid I can't allow it" he grins. "Choose".

"I have chosen" I growl back, anger coursing through my body, mixed with fear and sadness.


Suddenly a strange power surges through me and something explodes around me.

I'm thrown against a wall, out of my chair somehow and I hear glass shatter and lotor shouting.

I push myself off the now damp floor.

The whole room is a puddle.

"What time of magic is this!" Lotor screams at me.

I get up.

" I don't know what you're talking about!" I yell.

The galrans raise their guns through the broken glass.

Lotor silences them with a flick of his wrist.

"This one is mine".

Lotor bursts forward with a sword. I dodge but only just, it hits my eye.

I scream in pain, my eye closing instinctively.

While his back is turned I bring my foot down on his back, smashing him into the floor while every ounce of strength I can muster.

I rise my foot to kick him again, with no weapon my body will have to do but he catches my foot and pulls it from under me.

I land on my back, my head smacks off the floor.

Lotors sword at my neck.

"Lance?" I hear Keith's tired voice in my ears. "... You're alive.... Please stay that way" he whispers.

Anger and guilt explode in my gut.

On instinct I throw out a hand along the floor and a wave of water rises into the air. I flick my wrist and it all turns to ice in the shape of hundreds of icicles.

"Let us go" I growl, unsure what's happening.

"Your ice doesn't scare me" lotor growls his voice telling me just have scared he actually is. He pressed the sword harder into my neck.

I get ready to fire as he steps off me, actually relising what's happening.

I slowly rt off the floor.

"Let us go and I won't have to do this" I say lowly.

Lotors nods for the galra behind the broken glass to unlock the others for their torture chairs.

"Ive changed my mind Lance" he says slowly "I'll agree to your terms".

A sudden sharp pain in my back causes the ice to waver.

I look down and see a hole in my stomach, blood pouring from it staining my shirt red.

One if the galra the other side of the glass shot me....

"If I am to die. So be it. But I'm taking you WITH ME!" I scream. The ice shoots forward, skewering lotor in every direction.

He crumples to the floor.

I look over to my team mates with blurry eyes, my body losing energy and blood.

I notice the soldiers over there are skewered too.

"Good... You guys can be safe.." I whisper. My legs wobble and I fall to my knees.

I feel someone's arms wrap around me.

"It's going to me ok Lance... You're going to live. We will save you" Keiths voice tells me.

I nod.

"I trust you"

Then everything goes black.

I open my eyes slowly.

I'm in somebody's arms....

I get my feet under me and I stand up, weak.

"Keith?" I ask the blurry red outline. It launches at me and I feel arms wrap around me.

"Yeah it's me Lance" he says quietly and sadly.

"Why are you so sad? I lived didn't I? Or am I dead?" I ask worried.

He shakes his head in my neck.

Once my vision clears I notice my line of sight seems squished... Smaller.

I rub my eye and gasp as the whole world goes black.

"I can't see" I whisper.

Wooooooooooo. Finally posted. Sorry for the delay, my head is super fucked right now I can't think can't get out of bed can't shower everything is difficult and ugh. Depression am I right? *Finger guns*
Anyway! I'm really trying to post but the world just likes dicking me over lately. And EXAMS. Ahhhhhhhh

Enjoy this thing I wrote instead if doing English essays and maths homework


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