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"Lance youre so fucking worthless!" Keith screams at me as he smacks into me. He sends me sprawling across the floor my books go everywhere.

His group start to laugh at me, sneering down at me.

"I'm sorry Keith I didn't see you" I say rubbing my back in pain.

I grit my teeth.

"Apologise" shiro growls

Alluras foot crushes my windpipe. "You're a piece of shir" she growls

"I get it" i wheeze quietly

Two sides of me are fighting for control.

One side wants to cry ask them to love me again beg them to accept me and be my friends again.

The other.... well.... it wants me to rip their heads off with my teeth

I think it's safe to say I won't be listening to that side.

"Please guys... why do you even hate me so much!?" I ask my voice cracking.

"Because you're so useless and worthless. Everything you do is a mess. You fucked up all of our lives with your shit and we don't plan on forgiveness" Pidge yells angrily.

"I don't even know what you can't forgive!" I say pleadingly.

"That's not our problem!" Keith yells. A foot connects with my jaw.

"Please tell me I'm begging you... I can't keep going like this. I'm alone! I need you guys" I cry my voice cracking.

"Too bad" hunk says quietly.

"Hunk please..."I whisper, swallowing my own blood, kneeling so I'm taller.

This is my last chance before I do something permanent something I can take back.

But hunk just turns around and walks away with the others following.

"Everyone hates you Lance. Even your family" hunks mutters.

I sit back on my heels my body numb.

After all the shit I've been through in my life.

The abusive step dad.

The suicide attempts and the depression

The constant anxiety

My oldest sister and brother dying in a car crash.

The rest of my family being killed in front of me.

You'd think this would be nothing compared but...

It was the straw that broke the camel's back.

I'm finally, completely broken. My second family is gone. The family that cared for me and loved me and supported me for so many years through everything.

Hunk my brother, telling me he hates me after so long. He was always the one I thought I could get through to.

But I was wrong.

And now... I'm broken because of my childish hope that he wouldn't leave me just like everyone else.

Hunk was the only thing keeping me together.

So I sit there, numb. No feeliglect in my body and watch my hope and emotion and happiness walk away from me.

My heart crushing itself. Turning to dust. Ash. Not pieces or parts. Ash. Nothing to put back together like before. Its gone.

I slowly start to gather my books off the floor and drag them into my bag. I numbly take the zipper and close the bag.

I open my front door and let it swing closed behind me. Loud laughing from the TV can be heard

My bag drops at my feet with a thump.

The laughter stops.

I hear the couch groan as my step dad stands up.

I wait at the door knowing there's no point in running. He will just follow me.

His angry face appears in the doorway. His dirty white best covered in beer stains and food.

"Why were you late" he growls.

"Teachers assignments" I mumble.

He storms over to me and grabs my hair. He grips it tightly and drags me by it through the kitchen door. He throws me forward.

I flinch slightly as I hit the table.

"Make me dinner!" He roars. He grabs my head and slams it into the table roughly.

Blood drips onto the counter, standing brightly against the white.

My eyes wander sidewards, my step dad's voice booming blurry to my ears.

The silver knives sparkle in their holder, like they're calling to me. I reach out a hand quickly to them and choose the biggest one.

I pull it free and shove it as hard as I can behind me. I feel it go through something. Him I presume.

I hear him yell in pain.

"What the hell are you doing you demon child!" He screams.

I turn around quickly, a smile spreads in my face as I see his blood spilling from his stomach

I raise the knife again and plunge it into his stomach again. He falls into the floor.

So I stab again and again and again.




I stop.. breathless and stand up from beside his body and stare at his body on the floor.

I look down at myself, my clothes covered in his blood.

I scream and throw the knife away in fear


Or at least that would have been the sane thing to do but instead I laugh. I actually start to laugh. I out down the knife and let myself feel the happiness flooding my body.

It feels like a small bit of weight is gone from my shoulders.

I pull out my phone once I've stopped laughing and dial 112.

"I- I need to report a m-mu-murder of my step dad" I stutter putting on best fake sad voice.

"I did it"

I tried something different (sorta caus it's goretober but also cause this idea sounds cool to me) there's gonna be more parts but it's not all that angsty but like ya it might get more angry just go with it.

Also it's 2am let me live

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