8 | jealousy oh jealousy

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[day 5]


haewon went back home. she had to, of course. the ugly principal called her parents and they sounded really mad angry on the line. she was prepared to die though.

"haewon, I heard what happened to you today." just when haewon stepped inside the house, jiwon was in front of the door.

if jiwon is here, that means kim taehyung is here too. speaking of the devil, kim taehyung was behind jiwon, haewon wondered why she didn't noticed him earlier.

"nothing happened, jiwon." haewon brushed past jiwon and her eyes, in just a second, a small second, met taehyung.

"are you sure? mama, sounded pretty mad on the phone." jiwon nonchalantly shrugged and looked up at taehyung who was smiling.

haewon hated it when jiwon butt in her life, because jiwon isn't as nice when she found out her mistakes. when haewon broke mama's favourite vase back then, jiwon said she would back her up but in the end, she told the truth to mama and ended up getting grounded.

she was like the second version of park jimin. haewon believed they were long lost siblings.

haewon sat down on the couch at the living room and tossed her bag aside. later on, jiwon and taehyung also settled down on the couch. jiwon sat down beside her and taehyung at the far end of the couch.

"haewon, turn on the TV." jiwon uttered.

haewon secretly rolled her eyes before picking up the remote which was underneath her ass. she turned on the TV and a boring looking drama popped up. they were filmed at jeju island.

"baby, let's go here on our honeymoon." haewon heard jiwon said to taehyung.

haewon felt pissed, really pissed. she tried not to stare but her eyes kept wanting to glance at them. jiwon was really close to taehyung, haewon could see taehyung's cheeks were vibrant pink.

"honey, your little sister is here." taehyung tried to be as silence as possible but haewon still heard him.

honey? honey. haewon wanted to scream on top of her lungs and cries with her face dug in a pillow. she hated it so much, she doesn't even know why. she felt irritated and her eyes won't stop looking at them. her stomach felt sick and her heart hurts she couldn't breathe.

"oh, it's fine. right, haewon?" jiwon snapped her out of her trance and she accidentally glared at jiwon.

"huh? no. I mind it. go discuss it somewhere else." haewon was too angry she accidentally spouted out everything.

haewon earned a shocked stares from both jiwon and taehyung. the awkward atmosphere befall on them and silence was carried together. haewon gulped nothing, she looked at taehyung who looked surprised.

and there was something else in his eyes. hurt. he was hurt. but what for? because she talked rudely to her own sister or because she was trying to push him away? when haewon saw his saddened cocoa eyes, her heart fell and shattered into pieces.

"um..." jiwon broke the ice, "taehyung, did you forget our promise?"

"huh? oh yeah. the date."

haewon's ears immediately perked up at the word date. what date are they talking about? are they going on a date?

that was when haewon thought of a great idea. this is how I'm going to repay park jimin.

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