4. Good gone bad

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Ray pov.


It was morning. In a few hours Charlotte, Jasper and Jake would come. Yes. Jake is my new sidekick. He is amazing! At least way better than a guy named Henry. First of all, he is one year older than him. Second, he is smarter. And last he is more handsome. But ofcourse, I am way more handsome than every single guy in Swellview.

No one exept me, Schwoz, Charlotte, Jasper and Gooch know that Jake is my new sidekick. He is in the same class as Henry, but no way he knows that Henry used to be Kid Danger. Jake asked me a few times, but I told him that he went to the other side of the world to live there. Strange enough he believed it.

But it is better that Henry doesn't know that Jake is Teen Lighter, and that Jake doesn't know that Henry used to be Kid Danger. Or else they would get jealous of eachother or maybe they could start a fight. So its better this way. And Charlotte, Jasper and Schwoz promised me to keep it a secret from them.


Henry pov.


I was just standing by my locker untill someone smacked my head to it. Angrily I turned around. I saw Mitch standing in front of me. I rolled my eyes. I totally wasn't in the mood for him. "Hello Hart.." He said.

And before he could say or do anything, I smacked him with my fist in his face. Wait what? What did I just do?! I looked at him again. His nose was bleeding pretty bad. And it looked like he wanted to kill me or something. I actually felt like fighting tho..

And that's exactly what happend. And in no time, there was a very big crowd around us. I was bleeding and so was Mitch. I wondered why there weren't any teachters coming, but I didn't care.

Me and Mitch were still busy fighting, untill we got pulled away from eachother. "Stop it right here boy!" I heard a familiar voice saying. I turned my face to him. "Henry?!?!" Captain Man said while letting go of me and stepping away. Why is this bastard here???!!!

I looked at Mitch. He was held back by... Teen Lighter.. Again my body got filled up with jealously, but I didn't show it. I turned around, grabbed my bag and walked away home. Why isn't any day normal for me?

I still had school but I really didn't care about that. This is the first time I met Teen Lighter. With Captain Man. All of sudden I wanted to become bad. Just to fight Captain Man and that Teen Lighter guy. That's what I'm gonna do.

I skipped school for the rest of the day and I was setting up a plan. I will ask Samuel to join. If he won't, it doesn't matter. Than I'll do it myself! I called Samuel over to ask him. And strange enough he said yes. Well that's actually good! I thanked him and explaned the plan.

First we will go to Junk-n-stuff. There are we going to set of a bomb. Not a huge one, but one that is big enough to feel it till the mancave. After that, we're going to the Swellview sign. We are going and try to take it down. And that's it for day 1. Ofcourse we are going to wear masks and a villain outfit so that no one will reconize us.

We are starting tomorrow after school. But first we gotta go and find a bomb to steal. We are going to do that today.


It was midnight. I climbed through my window in my bedroom. Me and Samuel stole a bomb and we went by a clothes maker to make our outfits. We wore sunglasses and covered our mouths so the lady also wouldn't reconize us. Tommorow we could pick our outfits up. I'm very thankful that Samuel joined me in this. I changed my clothes and I went to bed.

Me alarm went off. Today is the big day. I set my alarm early so I could pick up the outfits and bring them home first before I go to school.

School slowly went by. When it was done, me and Samuel went to my house. We put on our villain outfits. Damn. We looked good in it. I took the bomb out of my closeth where I hid it and we left. In the shadows we carefully walked to Junk-n-stuff.

We were almost there. The fun is about to start...

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