7. The new me

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Henry pov.


Ray let me and Samuel go without erasing our memories. He did give us a whole speech but like we care. And Jake was very angry at Ray and jealous of me. I wonder how that will go in school haha.

At school I stood with Samuel by my locker. I turned around to throw something away, until I saw Jake glaring at me. I smirked at him. "Loser." I mouthed at him. And I continued talking with Samuel.

In class I suddenly felt exreme tired. I don't know why tho. I kept yawning and I fell asleep.

"Henry. Henry? Henry!!"

I shot up and looked around confused. Why was everyone looking at me? What happend? "Henry. You've got detention for sleeping in class!" The teacher said. "I'm sorry this class is boring as hell?!" I said harsh back. "Alright that's it get out!" She yelled while pointing at the door. "Thanks, cause than I don't have to see your rotten face anymore!" I screamed while storming out of the classroom.

In the hallway I was very confused over myself. Why did I say those things to my teacher? I would never do that. What am I become? Honestly.. I don't care. I like the new me.

After school I didn't went to detention. I know I am going to be in trouble but I don't give a shit. I went home and I layed down on the couch. My dad came out of nowhere.

"You've got a lot to explain to me young man!" He said angry to me and he stood in front of me. "What do you want?" I said bored. "You had got detention today and you didn't go!" "So?"

"Well ehh.. Than you're grounded for the rest of the week!" "Alright." I said while still not caring. Because I know I'm going out whenever I want. My dad walked away and I continued laying on the couch.

I was so bored that I went outside to take a walk. I walked through the Swellview park with earphones and music. I suddenly felt someone tap on my shoulder. I turned around but I saw nobody. I turned off my music and I continued walking. And again someone tapped on my shoulder and again there was no one. But all of sudden I felt a sharp pain on my head and everything went black.

Unknown pov.


Finally I have Kid Danger. Captain Man's old sidekick like me. Let's see if Henry wants to side by me or by his old buddy hehe..

Henry pov.


I woke up in a dark room but I still could see enough. I was tied to a chair. I heard footsteps behind me. "Who is there?!" I said. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you." The voice said. Wait a second! That voice. Drex..

"Drex, is that you?" I asked. "Yes it's me." He said and he stood in front of me. I looked at him. "How are you here? Aren't you supposed to be with the dinosaurs?" I asked. "Enough questions! I managed to get away there but that doesn't matter. I only have one question for you before I can ask the others." He said. "Well then ask it." I said.

"Alright. Do you hate Captain Man?" He asked. "Yes. I hate him so much." I answered honestly. "Okay.. then, can I ask you something?" He said while he untied me. I nodded my head. "Do you wanna side by me?"

I looked up at him and smirked. "Can I bring someone else to join too?" He laughed. "The more the better!" He said. "Alright. I'm in."

I layed in bed. This day was pretty good. Me and Drex exchanged our numbers and our outfits were the one's me and Samuel wore when we took the Swellview sign down. Drex his outfit is just like always.

I asked to Samuel if he wanted to join and he was in. I'm actually really staring to like this life. And I really do like the new me.

DANGEROUS - (a henry danger fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ