Chapter 2

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Standing beside her sister with Viserys and master Illyrio in front of them, they waited for the Khal to arrive and inspect his bride to be

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Standing beside her sister with Viserys and master Illyrio in front of them, they waited for the Khal to arrive and inspect his bride to be.

"Where is he?" Viserys asked Illyrio, after they had been standing there for some time.

Illyrio turning and gave Viserys a long look before telling him, "The Dothraki are not known for their punctuality." And Sari couldn't help but chuckle at his reply. Her laugh, however, was quickly silenced by the sound of hooves hitting the ground.

Marisari could feel Dany tense up beside her, so she reached over and gently grasped her younger sister's hand for support. Dany returned the embrace tightly, hanging on to her sister's hand like a lifeline.

When the Khan and his blood riders were finally in sight Marisari couldn't help but stare, they were all very handsome, and the one that was Khal Drogo was especially so. Marisari was slightly jealous of her little sister for being able to have such a handsome husband.

She watched as Lord Illyrio made his way down the steps to the Khal, "Respect to one that is respectful, great Khal. May I present my honored guests, Viserys of house Targaryen, the third of his name, the rightful king of the Andals and the First Men. And his sisters, Daenerys of house Targaryen, and, Marisari."

As Lord Illyrio spoke, Sari noticed that instead of looking at Illyrio or Dany, or even Viserys; Khal Drogo was staring at her, watching her every move with something akin awe and satisfaction in his eyes, and Marisari was worried for a moment that he didn't know which one of them was Dany.

She was so lost in the Khal's eyes that she only caught the last of Viserys words, "... He's a savage of course, but he's one of the finest killers alive. And you will be his queen."

Viserys didn't get to say any more, because right at that moment Illyrio turned and motioned for Dany, "Come forward my dear." And as Dany began to walk forward, clinging to Marisari's hand until the last moment as she walked away, Sari could see the displeasure filling up the Khal's eyes at seeing his new bride.

When she finally came to a stop a few feet away from him, the Khal showed his displeasure by frowning and getting off his horse, something that was not a good sign, "You offer me a child as my bride? A frightened girl barely into womanhood! No, I do not accept this, she will not do." Khal Drogo stopped speaking for a moment and looked towards where Viserys and Marisari were standing and began making his way toward them. Viserys, frightened that the Khal was coming to kill him, slowly began moving behind Sari. The Khal noticed this and his frown deepened. When he had finally made in front of them he stopped and stared at Sari, and she at him, "What is your name?"

He had obviously not been paying attention earlier when Illyrio introduced them. Lord Illyrio opened his mouth to translate but Marisari held up her hand in a request for him to stop, staring defiantly into the Khal's eyes she answered in perfect Dothraki, "My name is Marisari Waters, the bastard sister of your bride to be." After she had spoken she could see the intrigue and approval in the Khal's eyes.

He stared at her for a long moment, taking all of her in from her head to her feet, he sized her up. She also noticed that he spent a long time simply staring at her hair, finally he spoke back to her, "No, Not my Bride's sister. You will be my Khaleesi. Tell your cowardly brother that the princess child does not appeal to me. Tell him I will have you for my wife and no other."

Viserys was getting impatient, "Well, what is he saying?" he practically whispered to Marisari, flinching back when the Khal turned to gaze toward Viserys before turning back to Marisari.

Not once breaking eye contact with the Khal she answered Viserys, "He said he does not want Dany, she does not appeal to him."

"Well what does he want then?" Viserys asked her angrily, earning a harsh glare from Khal Drogo.

"He said he want me, and will take no other." Sari replied softly and watched the Khal grin maliciously at Viserys as though challenging him to deny him.

Viserys sighed impatiently and waved his hand back and forth dismissively, "Fine, Illyrio, tell the Khal he can have his redheaded whore of he wishes to have her."

Illyrio looked to Viserys, "What of Prince Xaro, Your Grace? He won't appreciate it is he does not get his mistress that you promised him."

Marisari was confused at what Lord Illyrio was doing? She thought he was trying to help her.

Khal Drogo was getting impatient, "Well? What does the beggar King say?"

Viserys looked conflicted, "Ask him if there is not a way we could change his mind. Is there anything else he wishes to have?"

Illyrio repeated Viserys question to the Khal, who frowned angrily at Viserys, "No wife, No army." Drogo told Viserys in harsh, broken common tongue.

Viserys sighed and nodded his head, "Very well, Tell the Khal he can have Marisari."

Illyrio looked to Marisari and gave her a small triumphant smirk before turning and telling Khal Drogo, "Prince Viserys has accepted your terms. The Lady Marisari will be your wife."

Drogo grinned and turned to walk away, climbing back on his horse he sent Marisari a smirk before he and his blood riders rode away.

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