Chapter 8

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"Wake up, little dragon." Marisari awoke to see Drogo leaning over her, his large hand placed atop her slightly rounded bare stomach. She stretched her arms above her head and gave her husband a sleepy smile.

"Hmm, good morning my sun and stars." She whispered to him placing her hand atop his.

Drogo grinned at her, placed a lingering kiss on her lips and told her, "You must get ready for the ceremony, moon of my life."

Marisari groaned and threw the blanket over her head causing Drogo to laugh at her and rip the blankets off her, throwing them to the ground. She shrieked in shock from the cool morning air hitting her naked body, "Drogo!" Marisari screamed in outrage.

Drogo continued to chuckle at her, "I am sorry moon of my life, but you must awaken.

She pouted up at him hoping that he would give in and not make her go, but when he didn't budge Marisari frowned and sat up, "There, I am up, you see?"

Drogo just gave her a smug grin and leaned forward once more to place a small kiss on her forehead, before walked out of their tent, laughing as he barely missed the pillow she threw at him.

Letting out a sigh, she looked down and placed a hand on her stomach, "Your father is just not going to let us sleep in today, my love." She received a slight nudge in reply.

Marisari smiled and looked up, coming face to face with her hand maidens waiting to prepare her for today's ceremony. Marisari let out another sigh as she stood and began getting ready. And when she was finally dressed, her hand maidens led her out of the tent towards where the ceremony would take place.


Marisari was kneeling on a platform people surrounding her chanting, "A boy! A boy! A strong boy!"

She glanced down at the horse's hart in her hand and grimaced. The thought of eating this did not sit well with her stomach, but when she looked up and made eye contact with her husband she knew she had to do this.

To not eat the heart or to not be able to keep it down was an insult and a sign of a weak son or a daughter. Marisari knew that if she didn't do this she would put shame upon Drogo and their son. So she took her first bite as the Crone began to prophesy over her unborn child.

"The Prince Rides!" The crone exclaimed

Marisari fought to keep the heart down with every bite. It was easier to accomplish while she was staring into Drogo's eyes. He nodded encouragingly at her, and she kept going. Almost there.

"I've heard the thunder of his hoofs. Swift as the wind he rides. His enemies will cower before him. And their wives will weep tears of blood." Continued the crone; and the crowd got louder in their chants with every word she spoke.

Marisari placed the last of the heart in her mouth. When she began to regurgitate the heart, the crowd went silent, watching to see if she would be able to keep it down. She was sure it was going to come back up and she would shame herself and Drogo. But she made it, keeping the heart from coming back up. And the crown exclaimed when she sat back up, but the look of pride in her husband's eyes was the only thing that mattered to her at that moment. "The stallion that mounts the world! The stallion is the Khal of Khals. He shall unite the people into a single Khalasar. And the people of the world will be his herd." The crone finished and their people rejoiced at the great news.

Marisari stood to her feet and the people quieted down as she began to speak to them, "A price rides inside me! And he shall be called D'Leh!"

The crown hooted and hollered and began to chant her unborn child's name as Drogo stood and made his way to her. He lifted her up high so that she rose above even the tallest man in the tent and walked her around as a sign of respect and honor.

Finally he stopped and placed her back on the stage leaving a gentile kiss first to her belly, then a strong bruising one to her lips before backing away and chanting with the rest of the crowd.

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