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(4 months later)

Music and laughter could be heard all throughout Vaes Dothrak as the fiery haired Khaleesi labored in pain to bring their prince into the world. None of the noise, however, fazed Khal Drogo who, instead of drinking and celebrating with the rest of his people, was paced outside the tent waiting anxiously for news on his wife and son.

Marisari's water had broken early that morning, yet she had continued to labor well into the night. The child was determined to take his time arriving, and her cries could be heard by everyone in the vicinity.

Every scream, cry, and yell put Drogo further on edge; but none of it pained him more than when his little wife would called out for him in the midst of her pain. He wanted desperately to go to her, to hold her, and comforter her as she brought their son into this world, but the men were not allowed in the birthing tent. So Drogo settled for waiting right outside.

His blood riders sat around him waiting to grab Drogo in case he made a break for it again. They had already pulled him back twice before.

"Sit down, brother, you are beginning to make me dizzy, here have some wine and relax. There is nothing you can do at the moment." Cohollo stated reaching out to hand Drogo the wineskin.

Drogo shot the man a glare but grabbed the wine and sat down anyway. Taking a big swallow of the fermented mare milk Drogo began to relax just a bit until, "AHHHHHH! I want Drogo! DROGO!" His beautiful little Dragon's cry was heard from inside.

And once again Drogo was on his feet and making a break for the birthing tent. His brothers right behind him, grabbing him and pulling Drogo back down to his sitting position.

"Let me go! Let me go this instant, you sons of whores! I am your Khal and you will obey me! Release me!" Drogo screamed and shouted at his blood riders but they never let go of him, instead they continued to hold him. It took three of them to keep him down and even then it was a struggle.

Eventually he calmed down enough to stay seated and his men released him.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Drogo let out a sigh and asked, "This is taking far too long. There must be something wrong. Are births normally this lengthy?" He asked the men present.

All of them gave him confused and unknowing looks. "How are we supposed to know? None of us have wives yet." Haggo answered for them.

Drogo just grunted at their answer and stood back to his feet to begin pacing anew before sitting right back down again. It was taking too long, and he was worried about his wife and son. Drogo just wanted all of this over and to be able to run in there and hold Sari and D'leh.

Suddenly Marisari gave a great shout from inside the tent. Everyone stopped what they were doing and listened, waiting; then they heard it, the cry of a newborn babe. Khal Drogo gave a sigh of relief and the men around him began giving him pats on the back and exclamations of congratulations, but now all he could focus on was the tent opening, waiting for the midwife to come and let in him enter.

As soon as the tent flap began to move, Drogo jumped to his feet once again and stood rigidly. Rivvi, the leader of the Dosh Khaleen, waited at the entrance for Drogo to follow her in.

He had to keep himself from running, and instead walked like the fierce warrior he was, over towards her. Rivvi smiled up at her son, "Congratulations, great Khal. Your wife and child are both in good health." She told him before moving to the side to let him enter.

Walking in, the first thing that caught his eyes was the sight of his young wife lying against the many furs, holding their wiggling child in her arms.

Marisari looked exhausted but none the less beautiful as she looked up to him and smiled greatly, "My love, come and meet your son

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Marisari looked exhausted but none the less beautiful as she looked up to him and smiled greatly, "My love, come and meet your son."

Drogo came over and kneeled beside her bed so as to get a better view of their beautiful creation. Seeing his son for the first time was a wonderful moment for the great Khal. Little D'leh was absolutely perfect with his father's dark hair and his mothers deep chocolate colored eyes.

"He's perfect. You did well, my little Dragon. I have never met a stronger woman. I lov you." Drogo told her leaning down to give her a gentle kiss.

Pulling away Sari smiled lovingly at her husband and offered the babe to him. Reaching out Drogo took D'leh from her arms, causing the baby to stir awake, and walked back to the tent opening.

Stepping outside, Drogo lifted the squirming baby up to show those gathered around, "My wife has blessed our tribe with a Prince! My Son, D'leh!" And with that Drogo pulled the crying baby against his warm, bare chest and turned back to re-entered the tent as his people began to celebrate the birth of the great Khal's first son.

Walking back over to his wife, Drogo handed D'leh to her and the baby quieted immediately and began rooting around for his mother's teat.

Drogo chuckle, "Not even a day old and the boy's already picking favorites."

Sari smirked at him, "That's because he knows you don't have what he wants."

Drogo smiled and placed his hand against her cheek, "I'm so glad you agreed to be my wife. I can't imagine my life any other way than it is right now, here, with you and our son. You are the moon of my life, my little dragon. And I love you."

Marisari tried to blink the tears away, and smiled, "Drogo, you have shown me more love than anyone else has in my entire life. I wouldn't trade being married to you for anything in the world. My sun and stars, you make my life worth living."

Leaning forward, Drogo placed his forehead against her and whispered, "I will always protect you, ad our family."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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