Chapter 11

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Marisari stood in the large tent with Jorah to her left and Tala to her right; several of her husband's blood riders were placed around the tent, each of them keeping their eyes on the merchant that had tried to kill her. He was tied to a post in the middle of the tent, bruised and bloodied. Several of those marks on his face were from her own hands.

"How will he be punished?" Sari asked, turning her head up to look at Jorah.

Frowning, he answered, "When the Khalasar rides he will be leashed to the saddle and forced to run behind the horses for as long as he can... I saw a man last nine miles once."

After a moment of silence, Marisari spoke again, "Why does King Robert want me dead? I am no threat to him, I'm not even full Targaryen."

"Yes, but you are at least part Targaryen.This poison was the first, it won't be the last."

She huffed in frustration, "But why won't he leave me alone? I though he would... now that Viserys is dead."

Jorah shook his head at her, "He will never leave you alone, you or your sister. So long at there is a Targaryen alive, he will not stop. He will never abandon his hunt. You have Targaryen blood in your veins; your son will have the same with forty thousand men behind him."

"That drunken bastard of a king will never touch my son." Marisari spoke vehemently as she placed her hand protectively over her belly.

Jorah looked down at her and gave a half smile, "He will not touch you either, Khaleesi."

Their conversation was halted by the sight of the Khal's riders coming into the tent, with Drogo himself being the last to enter. His eyes immediately focused on Sari and he began looking her over, making sure she was alright.

After finding no lasting damage, Drogo turned his eyes to the little man that had tried to murder his wife and unborn son, and you could feel the fury radiating off of him.

Drogo walked over to the merchant and towered over him, causing the man to whimper in fear and try to back away as far has he restraints would allow.

Drogo reached out for the torch Rakharo was holding, and once it was handed to him he waved it in front of the mans face before stalking off; throwing it into the fire pit as he made his way towards Sari.

"My Little Dragon, are you hurt? And my son, he is well?" Drogo asked her, placing his large hands on either side of his face.

"My sun and stars, we are both fine." She whispered placing one hand on her growing belly and the other over one of his hands.

Drogo let out a breath of relief and leaned down to give Sari a quick kiss, before movie to stand before Jorah, "Jorah the Andal, I heard what you did for my wife. Choose any horse you wish, it is yours. I make this a gift to you."

Then kneeling before Tala he gave her a scratch behind the ear and spoke, "And for the magnificent beast that so fearlessly protected her master, I will give you the best cut of meat from tonight's meal." Tala gave a bark and a wag of her tail, as though she understood what he had said.

Once again standing to his feet, Drogo took Sari's hands in his own and looked down at them. Seeing her bruised knuckled he looked up at her quizzically.

Marisari shrugged innocently and nodded her head toward the merchant. Drogo looked back at the man and noticed that his face was, indeed, quite bloody.

Chuckling he turned back to Sari and gave her a smirk while asking her, "Did you enjoy yourself in my absence, my little dragon?"

"The little bastard deserved it and everything else he is going to get." Sari spat, glaring viciously at the retrained man. She was furious that the man had tried to killer her and her baby.

The Khal chuckled at his wife's ferociousness, "You're right, wife. His punishment will be extremely long and painful." Turning to address the rest of the people, he began shouting for all to hear, "This urchin will wish for his death long before it is available to him, and when the vultures are feasting on his rotting carcass I will cut off his head and have it sent to the man that dares to threaten my wife and child!" His words earned yells and cries of excitement from all near to him.

"And I will do it again every time the fat king sends someone after my family! Every assassin he sends I will cut down and return the pieces to him! Every man, woman, and child that comes after my family, I will rip to shred, there will be no mercy shown! And soon the entire world will know the name Khal Drogo and will fear me. My son will be the stallion that mounts the world and he will be feared and respected by all!" The crowd in the tent exclaimed and rejoiced at all the Khal had spoken.

Marisari stood beside Jorah and listened to what her husband was saying. Never had she had anyone in her life that would go to such great lengths to keep her safe and cared for. Standing there with tears in her eyes as she watched her husband Sari began to realize just how much Drogo had come to mean to her in their time together. She loved him dearly.

Once the Khal had stopped his speech he was standing before his wife once again. Looking down at her Drogo saw tears in her eyes and frowned. Had he displeased her with his vow to protect her and their young? But then she grinned at him and reached forward wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him close until their mouths barely touched and she whispered in the common tongue, "I Love You." Then she leaned the rest of the way in and pressed her lips against his fervently before pulling away suddenly, leaving Drogo a bit dazed but pleased all the same.

Turning to one of her handmaidens she whispered something in her ear and the woman left.

Turning back to face everyone she began, "The Khal has honored me with his words. His vicious brutality and desire to protect his family is praiseworthy. It is a privilege to be the wife and Khaleesi of such a great man." As she finished saying this, her handmaiden walked back in carrying a cloth with her.

Marisari took the item from the girl and continued speaking to Drogo only now, "It would please me greatly if you would accept this gift I have bought especially for you, my husband."

Drogo stepped forward and took the piece of cloth from Sari's hand and began to unwrap it. Once it was completely open Drogo saw a matching set of daggers resting inside. He was speechless, his beautiful, brave little wife and chosen the perfect gift for her Khal.

He looked back up at her and grinned. Drogo had everything a man could want. He was a good leader; he had loyal subjects, a loving wife and a son soon. What more could a man ask for. For the first time in his life, Khal Drogo was happy.

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