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"They're all dead." my voice was neutral, no life in it. Leon looked serious and my sister looked shocked. Her hand gripped onto Damon's arm tightly and his thumb rubbed circles onto her hand. 

"What?" her voice was barely a whisper. She fell back onto the bed and Damon quickly pulled her back into his lap and lowered his head to her bloody neck. 

"They were all in the woods." I started, remembering finding their lifeless bodies lying there. "There were pill bottles everywhere." The pills that weren't in their bottles had been scattered unevenly everywhere.

"How?" there was a sheen of tears in Jade's eyes, but the shock in her eyes overruled everything

"Well, your favourite teacher ran at the first notice." Leon's lips curled in disgust

"What?" she asked in confusion

"Gregory. He was the supplier." Jade looked sheepish at this piece of news. Even though Damon's head remained on her neck, I could tell that he was listening and relaying the information to his pack. 

"Why didn't you say anything?" Leon asked

"About what?" Jade asked, her fingers fidgeting with her rings

"Gregory being the supplier!" Leon's voice rose and he struggled to control his emotions. The floor was starting to shake and another notch higher, we would have a full blown earthquake on our hands. Jade realised this and raised her hand, her eyes meeting his, calming him.

"I knew, but I didn't think he was this stupid." she said 

"We were invited to that party." Leon looked angry. His fists clenched, and his face screamed anger. Jade looked furious, as soon as he said that. Her own fist clenching and her nails elongating. Damon's hand caught around her neck and pulled her closer to him. She gasped suddenly, but said nothing, her face only going a deathly white. Her eyes glazed over and she gripped tight onto Damon. His hand tightened around her neck, but she didn't seem affected by that.

"Ok, so if this is some weird mate thing you guys have, I'm leaving." I started to feel dizzy as the smell of blood hit me, mixed with something sweet and sickly. I looked back at Jade, who had her eyes closed and her fingers entwined tightly with Damon's, his head buried deep into her neck. "Get off her." I growled. 

Leon looked at me like I was crazy. I looked back at Jade and he put two and two together, a growl coming out of his throat. Jade held her hand up weakly. "Leave, both of you." 

"Not until, he gets off you." Leon said. Damon lifted his head slowly and met our eyes, his eyes a normal grey. His mouth was outlined with blood. Jade's blood. "You're a vamp." he said in disgust

"Stop." Jade said tiredly

"He's a vamp and you let him feed off you!" Leon looked at her in anger

"I let him feed off me, because he's my mate." Jade said, closing her eyes

"You hate vamps!" he yelled. I looked over at Damon who had no emotion on his face. He just held onto Jade tightly.

"I hate the vamps that take people away from us. Damon doesn't do that." she said

"You don't know that." he said

"Nobody knows he's a vamp." she tried

"What a fücking hypocrite." Leon spat and walked out. Jade's head fell back with a groan and Damon cradled her closer. It was like he couldn't keep his hands away from her.

"I'm sorry. That's not how we wanted to tell you." I sighed

"Let me talk to him." Damon said. I held back a laugh

"He already hates you." Jade nodded in agreement, although a smile played out on her face

"You can come out too." Damon compromised and I reluctantly nodded. If Leon was mad, not even hell could get in his way. Damon lifted Jade from his lap and brushed the tips of his teeth against the mark on Jade's neck. She shuddered and fell limply back onto the pillows, her eyes still closed.

He stepped out after me and we followed Leon's dark scent outside. He standing out near a tree and as soon as we neared him, he chucked something on the ground, grinding it with his heel. He turned to us, anger still on his face. 

"I told you to quit." I said, crouching down to see the stubbed out cigarette, that he had been smoking

"Hard to do, when you find a vamp deep in your sister's neck." Leon stared cooly at me 

"Leon, they're mates. If Jade's fine with it, then we should be too." I told him

"What makes you think that he hasn't compelled her to do it?" I hesitated as this piece of information came out and looked at Damon

"I haven't made her do anything." he spoke the truth and his face changed into something unreadable, something related to disgust. "I wouldn't do that." Leon looked at me and I nodded.

"He tells the truth."

"I need you both to tell my Beta what you found." Damon said

"Why should we help you?" Leon asked suspiciously

"Quit being like that!" I snapped at him, "Just point us in the direction of Peter." 

"I don't have to talk." he said stubbronly

"We could've of been those kids in the woods." anger now laced my tone

"It's not like they can do anything." Leon disagreed

"This man has already hurt my family enough. He doesn't need to hurt anybody else." Damon gritted his teeth

"We're not your family." Leon shot him a glare

"Did I say you were?" Damon replied coldly, the aura of Alpha King slipping on. My arm crossed my chest and I bowed, Leon doing the same. Damon sighed, his hand rubbing against his head. "Get up and never bow to me. You may not be family, but your Jade's." 

"You and Gregory are basically the same supernatural beings, why aren't you on his side?" Leon asked in confusion

"Growing up, I hated the vampire heritage my father gave me." Damon looked away, his arms locked together, "His thirst for blood drove him further away from my family, I took the throne early just because of that." 

"You didn't want that?" I asked

"No. Alice and Shane, my delta, we my older siblings. Shane never got the vamp heritage, and Alice just couldn't rule because she was a girl." he explained

"Why did your older brother become the delta, when he should've been king?" Leon asked

"My grandfather made a treaty with the Vampire council of Elders, to keep peace. The requirement was that a vampire-werewolf king was to always reign on the throne. No other person. As long as that was established, peace would be between vampire and wolf." Damon said

"Gregory is not at peace with us." I noted

"Gregory is a rogue. Not part of a coven or pack." Damon shrugged, "I've already brought him before the council, we have permission to kill on sight."

"Are you going to do that?" I asked slowly

"Do what?"

"Kill on sight?" 

"Hell no." He snarled, "I'm gonna make that son of a bïtch pay." 

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