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*Slightly steamy scene near the end of the chapter

Possessive. That was the one word that I could think of that could summarise the past few hours. He was so possessive and not just over the baby, but over me. I saw it in his eyes and it almost scared me.

His hands roamed my body hungrily. It was borderline painful but he only took me places where I would feel safe. Even though he was my mate I felt like we were acting like a bunch of teenagers who still didn't know how to act around each other.

"Stop thinking." his teeth grazed against my ear and I shuddered as I felt the touch go straight to my core. His hands slipped to touch the inside of my thigh, rising higher and higher.

"Thinking isn't bad." I told him

He leaned over placing kisses up my neck all they way up to my lips, "You had the opportunity to think for three days without me touching you." he pointed out, "Now I have the opportunity to fück you for another three days without people interrupting me, with something so mundane as thoughts."

"The fact that you think that thoughts are mundane, really worries me." A smile played across my face and I reached up to brush his hair away from his face. He leaned into my touch, eyes closing for and for a split second I saw a vulnerable side of him. A side that was recessive to his dominant behaviour. A side I would never see again

"Nothing should worry you." he finally said and I raised myself up on my elbow to look at him properly.

I don't know why I worried. I didn't need to. My mate after all was the freaking Alpha King. I still didn't trust him. I trusted him to protect me and keep me safe, but there was no way in hell I trusted him with my heart.


"Luna Queen." Alice bowed her head and I frowned sternly at her until she raised her head with a teasing glint in her eye, "Suits you."

"Thank you subject." I mocked, "Where's the child?" I looked around the room trying to find any trace of a bawling baby

"Jake took him out for a walk." Alice looked at me thoughtfully from her position by the window and I avoided her assessing gaze, knowing that she was judging me for something

Alice could do this creepy thing where she just looked at you and she could unravel your secrets like that, "What?"

"Liam has already left for La lune montante." she said plainly

I pursed my lips and nodded, "He left this morning."

"But you're still here." I frowned at her in confusion waiting for her to expand on what she just said

"Of course I'm still here."

"I believe Damon told us that you were leaving with Liam back to la lune montante after the ceremony was finished."

I shifted uncomfortably under her gaze, "I needed to recover, so I decided to stay here. I'll go back after the baby's born."

"Why not go when you've recovered?" she kept pressing and I tilted my head in confusion

"We both know Damon'll just drag me back here." I looked at her suspiciously, "Why do you keep asking these questions?"

She shrugged her shoulder, not deterred by my harsh tone, "I just figured that if you hated my brother so much, you would have left after the ceremony." she winked at me, "Plus the whole castle could hear both of you last night."

I groaned and ran my hands through my hair, trying not to pull them out, "I'm getting sound proofed doors."

"Please. For the sanity of the rest of us." she laughed and sat back down on the bed, patting the spot next to her

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