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Liam left shortly after he convinced me to let him go back to la lune montante. To be honest I wanted to go back there too. Fix this whole thing with Scott and try not to rip Beth's hair out. Meeting this baby though was a completely different thing. I wanted nothing to do with it especially if I was expecting a girl. There was no way I wanted my kid to go through what I went through.

I honestly found it hard to understand at times why exactly I hated Beth but I guess the hate was a seed that my mother buried years and years ago. I feel like that if my mother had never sowed that seed, I might actually have gotten along with Beth. 

I stood up with a sigh and pulled Damon's shirt over my head and crossed my arms over my body as I walked to the bathroom, pulling the door towards me and closing it behind me. I leaned against the door and turned to the mirror to see my red eyes and pale face. 

Turning to the side, I could see the tattoo that circled the back of my neck. The marking tattoo. I never realised that witches got marked with tattoos otherwise I might of actually rejected my witch heritage.

I pulled my arms out of the locked embrace they had around my body and I turned fully to face the mirror. I saw the tattoo that I had gotten done, just to get used to having ink on my skin. Damon had ended up choosing the pattern for me. A star with the words, fire, water, earth, air and Damon inked above each point. 

It was small and rested just a bit above my bikini line. Each word had swirls coming out of it to match the witch ink I had on my body. Even though I hated ink on me, I had loved the pattern and agreed to have it inked on my body as long as Damon kept his patience. Which he didn't. More than once I had caught him trying to sneak a peek, but he managed to hold on until we actually did the deed. 

He had gotten a similar pattern, except with his star, my name was at the top point and the other four points empty, for our future family he said. 

I stepped into the shower and turned the water to a bearable temperature, lathering my body with soap and relaxing as the soap suds made contact with my skin. My hands crossed my chest and rubbed the back of my shoulders as I tried to loosen the tension in them.

I looked up as I heard the bathroom door and got ready to kick the door in their face until I smelt him. Cinnamon and nutmeg mixed together. Nutmeg normally grossed me out. It was strong and it tasted weird in my mouth. Obviously Damon smelt and tasted like nutmeg and it was still strong but didn't taste so weird in my mouth. Why I just thought about that is beyond me.

"Thinking bad things?" he opened the shower door and looked approvingly up and down my soaked, bare body.

"Depends." I crossed my arms protectively over my stomach and his eyes darkened slightly in anger

"Don't hide yourself from me. Ever." he frowned

"What makes you think I'm hiding myself from you?" I asked coldly and moved past him quickly, avoiding him, pulling the towel over me, making sure that it hid everything of me from him.

"What do you want from me?" he snapped, pulling me back by the towel and I turned around to him eyes blazing and fist clenched

"What do I want?!" I pointed at myself with eyes wide, "I want you to stop acting like a dïck and then coming after me, apologetic. I want you to stay as one person with me instead of acting like the fücking alpha king to me. Don't forget who my wolf is." 

"Was that a threat?" he asked, his brows shooting skyward

"Did you seriously just ask your mate if she was threatening you?" I frowned deeply at him, leaning forward to stare at him properly

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