Chapter 6

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Danny was contemplating about his ghost powers what clockwork said ' don't go ghost give it time for the ring of rage to settle.' They boy sighs softly getting up walking to the door to get some air. His raven hair a mess watching people give him looks the halfa stops seeing the news on a local tv screen. "Hello and welcome to Gotham news breaking news right now the local train has been taken hostage by the joker and supposedly Bruce Wayne is on board."

The halfa eyes widen his hero instincts get the best of him running past people going into an alley way. The boy felt two rings go around his body the crown on fire and the ring glowing bright red. Danny didn't feel anything yet taking to the sky's flying at top speeds seeing the train. The halfa felt something fast fly past him seeing it was the man of steel.

Danny flys trying to catch up to him till Superman stop looking at Danny in a tense manner "wow wow wow I'm not with the joker I heard what happened and I want to help." The man of steel looks at him then nods "what's your name ?" Danny thinks of something then smiles "names phantom." They nod to each other then fly next to each other Superman uses his x Ray vision on the train seeing bombs on each cart.

"Okay phantom there bombs on each cart we need to get the bombs off." The halfa nodes "leave it too me I can get the bombs easy." The halfa flys turning intangible and invisible grabbing the first bomb freezing it. Danny grabbed the first bomb flying threw the cart throwing it then blew up in the air. Superman saw Danny take out the bombs thinking another hero maybe for the justice league just need to talk to Bruce. Danny flys back to Superman "now what ?" They follow hot in the trains tail "now we save the hostages and take out joker."

Danny turned intangible threw the cart landing facing joker and his goons seeing the hostages and one and only Bruce Wayne. "Well well look what we have hear boys it's him. Thought batsy was gonna come to play but it's you what's the matter kid I didn't break you that well meta human freak." Danny looked at the mad man in the eyes feeling the ring of rage build up inside him the joker then noticed the crown and ring then started to laugh "your royalty I see."

Danny blasts his goons aside then Superman burst threw the roof grabbing joker and taking away the detonator. The man of steel looks at Danny smiling softly.

Later  at the bat cave

Bruce walks with Clark then sit down "so that was a horrible experience hmm." Bruce nodes then looked at the computer screen seeing his dna test finished "what's that?" Bruce clicks results then looked at Clark "well the joker I heard him say didn't break him that Snow White hair teen. Then before all that joker was knocked out and found blood with green substance in it I researched finding out it's ectoplasm."

Clark then looked at the screen remembering about phantom "Bruce you think that phantom kid should join us ?" The man was quite then his eyes in shock looking a the screen seeing it's the boy that accidentally bumped into him Danny Fenton. The man types Danny Fenton in his data base pulled up amity park articles Fenton's and friends die in explosion. Clark read that "that's sad why you doing this research?" Bruce looked at his friend then sighed "cause Clark this Danny bumped into me he was alone then the blood."

More articles Danny Fenton missing and where is Danny phantom the man looked at the words Danny phantom then typed again Danny phantom then Clark noticed it "wait I asked what his name was he said call him phantom you think Danny and phantom are connected?" They saw articles on articles reading about this teen then Bruce gets up going for his bat suit "where you think your going?" Bruce puts his suit on then heads for the bat mobile "I'm gonna look for Danny it's clear he's not human I need answers." Clark gets up "I'm going with you to look for him I can be of some help." Batman looked at him then nodes.

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