Chapter 10

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Mount justice

The halfa walks into the kitchen to get a bowl of cereal till he turned on the tv metropolis under attack and justice league down. His eyes widen till he saw Robin suiting up along with miss Martian and superboy. "We need to go to metropolis stop the villains for causing anymore damage." Danny nodes going ghost then looked on the screen again to see lex Luther, doomsday, joker and slade.

They head to the ship till he heard Robin mumbling something about slade the halfa didn't know much but he knew that the guy likes to get under your skin.

Wayne manor

Tristan gets up to Alfred "master Gonzalez I think you need to see this." The teen gets up to see the news on metropolis then looked at Alfred in a confused look. "What you want me to do Alfred I can't do anything I'm weak." The butler smiled then shock his head "no master Gonzalez your strong and a whole different hero." He leads Tristan to the bat cave only to see his suit in case.


The team was fighting the villain. Danny taking on lex while miss Martian took on joker. The boy wonder had slade and superboy doomsday. Danny kept blasting and blasting at the man only to be dodged and punched in the gut. Doomsday punched superboy in the stomach making his spit blood then thrown into a car causing it blow up. Miss Martian saw distracted for a moment joker took the chance to hit her on the head with a crow bar knocking her out cold. The clown looked at the halfa "what's up Casper remember me."

Lex grabbed Danny by the neck shocking him making him scream in pain. The clown laughed clapping his hands Robin saw his team was down only to see doomsday get punched into a building. Everyone stopped to see a guy in a mask covering his left eye and black armor and a cloak. Tristan.

Robin didn't know who it was till he saw the left eye glowing slade threw punches at the bird but kept dodging to get punched in the face knocking him out cold. The halfa ghost sense went off looking to see the teen standing there joker pulled out a gun shooting the ghoul teen over and over again.

Tristan felt nothing then slightly punched joker trying not to break his bones causing him to fall on the ground laughing. Lex aimed at the teen shooting missiles hitting him into a bus and an explosion happened the halfa tried to stay awake but was knocked out two rings appeared around him to reveal his human half.

Robin looked to see Danny changed into his human form throwing bat rangs at lex deflected them and grabbed Robin "we took down the justice league and they send you guys pathetic." Till lex gasped for air only to see a green tentacle threw his chest making him drop Robin to see the ghoul teen looking at him. Tristan then walked towards lex smiling softly "I'm still in control." The knocked out lex but was then threw into a building by doomsday Robin dodged the behemoth going up on the high ground.

Tristan was in the ruble only to shack his head to be in the checker room again to see Kaneki looking at him. "Accept me Tristan if you don't your team will die." The teen ignored him then sighed looking at the ghoul "I accept you..." the teen vanished "sweet dreams Tristan." Doomsday climes the wall to get to Robin only to be wrapped by the neck with a red tentacle getting thrown down only to Robin fear it was Tristan but something seemed off his eye wasn't green it red and his tentacles were red now his hair was more darker. Then his eyes widen when he saw him lift his hand up and crack was heard.

A/N: what do you think about Tristan vanishing and Kaneki coming out? Did you think Tristan sacrifice was a good thing or a bad thing for there world ?

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