Chapter 8

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Mount justice

Batman enters the base with Danny and Superman to see a new guy sitting with them. Danny ghost sense went off then noticed a red mist escape the teens mouth. Then Robin looked at Danny "Batman can I talk to for a second." The bat followed his partner into a separate room to see a laptop "we found that guy at the GIW his name is Tristan Gonzalez . Well I see you found Danny he's on the file called project phantom. He's half ghost."

Batman looked at the files reading everything about Danny then saw another file then clicked it. "That's project one eye it's about Tristan and we might have a problem.."

Moments later

The dark knight walked out the room looking at Danny "this is your new team you guys will go on a mission in the morning get to know each other and Tristan can i have a word." Tristan gets up and follows the detective into a private room the was followed by Superman. They sit down and look at the teen "I heard what happened to you saw the files everything with the research they had tells me you have massive regeneration ecto signatures and a thing called a kagune." Superman heard the teenagers heart beat was strange then heard something else. The man of steel stands up using his X-ray vision on Tristan stomach to see a weird red organ spreading veins around the normal organs.

"You feeling okay I used my X-ray vision and see what I'm guessing is an organ spreading inside you." The dark knight stands up then looked at the teen then looked at Superman "you hearing any voices have any cravings for flesh?" The teens eyes widen shacking his head rapidly but the dark knight didn't by into it grabbing a knife cutting his finger. Superman looked at his comrade then Tristan bite his hands. The dark knight looked at him "Tristan your abilities are nothing I've seen but I'll make armor for you to join the team."

Tristan right eye turned black and green looking at the dark knight but the bat didn't flinch only the man of steel did then Bruce had an idea. He walked towards the teen "go get me some crackers." Superman raised an eyebrow but went out the room "if what Robin told me is true then your gonna need to eat human flesh to survive it's not your fault though. The GIW made you this way with some person from another dimension but if your able to control it then you'll be a great hero." The teen looked at the dark knight smiling softly mumbling "you think so?"

Man of steel walks in with crackers the bat grabbed one handing it to Tristan "eat this and tell me how you feel?" The teen grabbed the cracker and took a bite seeming to be fine till he threw up. The dark knight looked at him "you'll be able to drink coffee or won't help the hunger but we will help you with that and find a way." They walk out the room everyone was talking to Danny getting to know him better then Tristan fell to the ground in pain the halfa looked at him then Tristan laughed to himself.

Danny ghost sense went off and so did Tristan's the hero's looked at them in question. "Who are you and why does my ghost sense go off when your near me ?" Tristan raised an eyebrow his right eye back to normal "your telling me why this red mist coming out of my mouth when I'm near you what you mean ghost sense ?" The halfa then raised an eyebrow realizing something "are you a halfa ?"

Batman looked at the teen then stepped in "he's not a ghost Danny and apparently your dna in his with a kagune. He's part ghoul new to our world." Superman then sighed "he's last of his kind then ?" The bat looked at him nodding softly "Tristan your coming with me to train and Superman will test your abilities." Danny then walked up to Tristan smiling softly "so I guess your kinda like my brother or something." Robin looked at him then Kidflash looked at Tristan "so you don't see anyone or hear anything that we can't see right T man?"

Tristan looked around clearing his throat then his eyes widen seeing a white haired guy with chains looking at him across the room. Then shock his head to see nothing there. "No I don't see anything or hear anything." The bat looked at the ghoul teen "let's go we need to learn more about your abilities. Danny get to know the team more you will be on the mission tomorrow."

The halfa nodes watching the three walk into the zeta tube vanishing.

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