Chapter 3 - "Do you ever want to be more?"

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A few days later, Gigi moved through the camp, a bowl held before her.  Deep yellow rays poked through the treetops, setting them ablaze. Gigi paused outside the tent Jayis had been moved to, listening. When no noise came from inside, she ducked in. Jayis lay asleep. His bandages had been removed and a healthy color had returned to his features.

Gigi crept forward to his bed. She placed the bowl down and backed away. Sunlight poured into the tent as she lifted the flap. She glanced back and hesitated. Something about Jayis's neck winked the light back at her. Gigi looked at the opening, watching as pair of girls walked past, heads bent, voices lowered. She let the flap fall shut and moved cautiously back to the bed.

Noiselessly, she crouched down beside Jayis's unconscious form. Jayis's breathing was deep, his chest rising and fall in an steady rhythm. Gigi kept her eyes trained on him as she tugged the silver chain free from his shirt. A ring slid down the chain, swaying gently.

Jayis stirred. Gigi froze, her heart pounding in her ears. He shifted towards her but his eyes remained closed. She watched for a breathless moment as Jayis settled back into a deeper sleep, then let out a quiet breath.

She looked back at the chain she held and at the ring. Carefully, Gigi picked it up and examined it. Her breath caught in her throat and her eyes flashed to Jayis's face, the thick ring, heavy in her palm.


She stopped herself before any more words could slip out. She sat there, stunned. Thoughts rushed about her. Images flooded her brain, as she stared into the defined features of the young man before her. She broke from her reverie when Jayis mumbled something, the sound like a canon blast in the stillness of the tent.

With trembling fingers, she laid the chain down. She pushed herself soundlessly to her feet. Gaze locked on Jayis, she tiptoed away, almost tripping over the bowl of stew on her way out.

Once free from the confines of the tent, Gigi released her breath. Her thoughts crashed inside her mind, muffling the world about her. A group of children brushed past, pulling her back into reality.

One thought struck through the storm in her mind and she took off running. She dodged clusters of women and raced past huddled groups, searching for Huck. She was rushing around a tent when she nearly collided with him. Stumbling to a halt, she reached out for his arms, balancing herself.

"Huck!" she said breathless. "Jayis..."

The rest of her words died in her throat as she met Huck's gaze. Panic rose inside her at the sight of Huck's troubled expression

"Huck, what is it?"

"It's your mother's brother. He's dead."

All of Gigi's previous thoughts were wiped from her mind as she stared at him.

"What?" she said, her brow scrunching in confusion.

"We just got word. Dead since yesterday," he said.

The image she had of her mother's family flashed through her mind and she looked up at Huck.

"Where is she?"

"Your tent."

Gigi took off running. Huck kept pace beside her, as they wound their way through the camp. Her parent's voices greeted her before the tent came in sight. Gigi halted a few feet away, her breath caught in her throat. Huck stopped beside her and they exchanged startled expressions at the harsh tones.

"You left for a reason. I don't see why you need to go back," Quinn said.

"They are my family," Annaleigh said, her voice tinged with sadness.

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