Chapter 28 - "It is not a thing that can be changed."

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The sound of voices woke Gigi the following morning. Her body ached from the night before but it was nothing compared to weight in her chest. She remained tucked beneath her blankets trying to figure out how she would face the day, face Thayer.

The doors to her room opened. Following Margo in was Lady Brixton and a thin man in a green tunic. Light streamed in as Margo pulled aside the curtains. Gigi winced, sleep still holding on. As her grandmother and the man approached her bedside she blinked and focused on them. Wearily, she sat up, holding the blanket to her chest.

"Good morning, Genevieve," her grandmother said. She gestured the man beside her. "This is the palace's best healer."

Gigi smiled at the man, but her heavy thoughts made the look weak.

"What are your symptoms, Lady?" he asked.

"I have none. I am much better today," Gigi said. "I believe I have recovered. Tiredness was all it must have been."

"Are you sure, dear," Lady Brixton said. "You look frail."

Gigi couldn't argue with her grandmother's words, she felt as if she wanted to burrow back into her covers and never get out. With a critical eye, the man felt Gigi's forehead. Convinced there was nothing wrong with her temperature, he moved on to inspecting her pulse then the inside of her mouth.

As he worked he asked questions that Gigi answered, hoping to give him responses that would convince him she was fine. The only thing she truly suffered from was sore feet and a heavy heart. Neither things could be healed by him. When he was finished with his examination, the man stepped back.

"As far as I can tell she is fine," he said. "I would recommend rest since she seems a bit tired, but there is no illness that appears to be plaguing her."

"Thank you," Gigi's grandmother said. "You are free to leave."

The man ducked his head towards her, then looked to Gigi. "Have a pleasant day, Lady."

He left and Gigi focused on her grandmother who was giving her a searching look.

"There is a riding party this afternoon but perhaps it would best if you remained in your room today."

Gigi's stomach tightened. She couldn't stand the idea of spending the day trapped alone in her room with thoughts she couldn't sort out and emotions she didn't want to face.

"I do not think that will be necessary," she said, bringing up a more lively expression. "A short rest this morning will be all I require. I would hate to miss the last two days of the Festival. I can rest afterward."

Her grandmother gave her a knowing smile. "I wondered if that might be the case." She beckoned to Margo, who quickly joined her. "Draw Genevieve's bath and make sure she has everything she needs."

Margo curtsied. "Yes, Lady."

She scurried off to do as she was told.

"Well dear, rest and enjoy the riding party."

"Thank you, grandmother."

Lady Brixton left and Gigi let her cheerfulness die away. Pushing aside the blankets, she stood and walked to the balcony. The day was perfect for a ride out of the city. The sky was a shockingly bright blue with wisps of clouds stretched across it. A warm breeze played with the ends of her hair.

As Gigi stood there she was hit with the strongest desire to be past those walls again. Out in a world where no boundary stopped her. Where life was simple. Everything made sense. There were no complications. She wished to be home.

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