Chapter 4 - "Come back, alright?"

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A chill swept over Gigi as she hurriedly pulled on her trousers and tucked in her loose shirt. She lifted a dark blue cloak and wrapped it about her. Gathering up her saddle bag, she stepped from the tent. Silence lay over the camp like the gray mist that covered the ground. Water droplets clung to Gigi's hair and caressed her face.

A horse stood tethered to the small tree, clouds of steam burst from its nostrils. A blanket laid over its back. Gigi moved to it and added her bag to the bundles already attached. The sound of muffled treads reached her before a figure emerged from the dimness.

"You're really going?" Huck asked.

Gigi didn't look at him as she tightened the saddle bag.



She turned to him, pulling her cloak around her, warding off the morning chill. His clothes were disheveled and his hair looked as if it had seen battle.

"Because I want the chance to see if it's a life I would have chosen, if I had had the choice."

Huck crossed his arms, frowning.

"How could it be? You've seen the type of people they are. They are vile and uncaring."

"Huck. I just want to see. I'm coming back."

They stared at her each other, Huck's look tinted with worry.

"Are you sure about that?" he asked.

A smile flickered across Gigi's face as she playfully batted his arm.

"I'm a vagabond, remember? They won't see beyond that. Their life will never be mine."

Huck nodded, even as the worry took up permanent residence in his eyes.

"Come back, alright?"

Gigi gave him a warm smile as her mother and father stepped from their tent. Quinn had his arm protectively wrapped about Annaleigh's waist, lines of concern marring his face.

"It's a half a day's ride. Take the Western path. Rest on the outskirts of towns." Quinn said. "I packed you enough food so you won't have to trade for it. I put daggers inside the saddle bag. As well as bed rolls in case-"

Annaleigh turned to him and cupped his face.

"Quinn, I'm coming back to you."

Worry glinted in his eyes. She kissed him and he pulled her close. Gigi turned to her cousin. Smiling, she reached up and brushed down his wild mess of hair. Huck swatted her hand away, a smile skipping across his face.

"Stay out of mischief," Gigi said.

"No promises."

The horse pawed the ground and let out a snort of impatience. Quinn helped Annaleigh onto the horse and then Gigi, the horse shifting under the weight. He grasped Annaleigh's hands, his eyes soaking in her face. Huck moved closer, stuffing his hands into his pockets.

"Clear skies, Gigi," he said.

"Clear skies, Huck."

"If Grandmother Vy says Jayis is well enough," Quinn said. "the camp will be moving further South in a week, to the edge of Varon. Hopefully you'll be back before then."

Annaleigh leaned over, cupping his cheek.

"I will return, Quinn," she said.

He nodded.

"Smooth roads," he said.

He took a step back. With one last look, Annaleigh nudged the horse's sides and they took off. Gigi turned back once, her smile breaking across her face as she waved. The two figures stood frozen to the spot, as if made of stone, watching the horses disappear.

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