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What you sorry about?
Sorry but... but I don't know.
Know what?
I don't know if I have feelings for you!
I think there for Rin...
Oh okay...
(I don't know what to think, I mean I'm I'm heart broken!)
A tear rolled down your face.
Obito saw you crying and felt bad.

You felt a hand on your shoulder, you looked up at Obito.
Hey Y/N don't worry, I mean out of Kakashi and Rin you're my best friend!
Ya I mean I don't exactly know how I feel, but I don't want you to cry! You are like my sister and I hate to see my sister cry!
So for now we are best friends.
Okay.( you wiped away your tears)
But I'd advice you you to not cry, ha your eyes are really red.
You sniffle and start to laugh, h..hey you cry all the time too!
Heh heh I guess you're not wrong.

The next day
Even what Obito told you you where still heart broken and you started to cry.

Your grandma yelled from downstairs.
You didn't respond.
Hey Y/N come downstairs breakfast is ready!
Your grandma said coming up the stairs.
She opened your door and you pretended you where asleep but you still had red eyes and wiped off tears on your face.

Hey Y/N tell me what's wrong, I know your pretending.
Huff* I don't what to talk about it!
You continued to cry.
Y/N.. tell me I'm here for you.
Sigh* The boy like doesn't like me back...
Oh I'm sorry dear, I got rejected by grandpa at first but he turned around and changed his mind. And is this boy named that Obito kid.
Hehe I knew you had a thing for him.
She ginned widely.

You know I want to see that cute smile of yours! ( your grandma squished you cheeks)
I just *sigh* why her, why not me.!?
Sweetpea he will turn around one point and notice you're the one for him.

Obito's POV
Huff* I feel bad for rejecting Y/N!
But I need time to think.
He looked at your guys team photo.
(In this story Minato has 4 students.)
Rin... or Y/N....?
Uhhh umm i don't know?
I'm going to give Y/N a ramen bowl, the color was F/C and had flowers, lily flowers.

Your grandma's POV
Knock knock*
Oh wonder who it is?
H..hey are you Y/N grandma?
Why yes, you must be, Obito??
Ya that's me but it's Y/N here?
Umm ya but she doesn't feel to good.
Oh well I have something for her, I feel bad about yesterday... here give this to Y/N please?
Okay and thanks dearie, Y/N would love this it's her favorite color.
Ha yep always F/C.
Well say hi to her for me too.
Okay see you later dearie.

Y/N, Sweetpea guess who stopped by?
W..who you wiped off a tear
Obito stopped by.
Ya and he has something for you, he felt bad to reject you.
Is he still here?
No sorry dear, but here it is.
Awww it's a ramen bowl with F/C and Lily's on it!!
Yep well I'm going to go do the dishes come down whenever you want.
You cried that he gave you something so sweet.

Ting ting ting*
You heard someone's finger tapping the window.
You look over at its Kakashi.
Ugh what do you want Kakashi?
Come on we have a mission!
I don't feel good I cannot go!
Oh oh excuses excuses!
Shut up and leave me AloNE!
Okay okay I'm going!
Ya go and if you see Obito say hi for me!

Hey Rin what's up?
Just waiting for Obito, and is Y/N coming today?
No she "didn't feel good."
Oh that's to bad.
(Sandals clap against the gravel.)

Hey sorry I'm late!
Where's Y/N!?
She said "she was sick," she's just to chicken to come with us.
Hey!! both Rin and Obito shouted.
Be nice to her she didn't have the best day yesterday.
Oh really it I cuz I teased her?
No she just had a bad day!
Oh o...

Stop your fighting Obito and Kakashi!
Okay let's begin our mission!
So you already know about Y/N?
Ya she isn't feeling good so she's not coming.
See I told you Kakashi!!

Okay our mission is going to be at Kannabi Bridge.

Sorry this chapter was short kinda have writers block.
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