The last goodbye.

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Kannabi Bridge?
Yep that's where we will split and Kakashi will lead.
Ugh Kakashi leads everything!
No I don't and hey did you know Y/N told me to say hi to you! You're welcome!

She did?
Umm ya.
Awe that's nice, but still why do you have to lead!
Because Minato Sensei said so!
Ugh fine

SPOILERS Up ahead!
(If you don't know what happens to Obito at Kannabi Bridge then why you read reading this?)

Your POV
I should find a place to put the bowl Obito got me.
You put it on the shelf right above your dresser.
Okay that should do.
You where just laying on your bed looking up at the ceiling, something was bothering you.

Maybe I should have went on that mission with them, but they already left. But I feel like something bad is going to happen since I'm not going on that mission with them.
But what could it b...?
You heard a little cracking noise, you turn your head to the shelf and there's a little crack in the bowl Obito got you.

An omen?.....

Some time later like two days

You guys okay Rin, Kakashi??
No this can't be!
Ugh huff huff huff*  I CANT LIFT THE ROCK OFF YOU!!!
This is all my fault! If I would have listened to you Obito!!!!

Skip time
I'm giving you my eye Kakashi.
Uh w..what!
Rin give Kakashi my eye.
I..i okay.
Kakashi protect Rin and Y/N!!
Okay I promise!
Kakashi used Chindori on the remainder of reinforcements.

Kakashi's POV
Where..where am I?
Looks like you are awake I'm sorry I couldn't have made it..
Where's Rin!!?
Over there, she told me everything.
I'm sorry I tried...
Oh no what I'm I going to have to tell Y/N!!
Kakashi had a tear fall from his left eye "Obito's eye."
Don't worry I will tell her Kakashi.

There are coming home today and I get to see Obito!
You ran to the gates and waited.
You saw Minato, Rin & Kakashi..
But where was Obito?
H..hey!  *Your voice cracked.*
Where is Obito?...
I got disappointed looks, looks of pain and guilt.
Minato walked over to you.
Y/N I need to tell you something.
W..what is
Obito, I'm sorry but he's not coming back, because he's he's *sigh* he's dead...

Your eyes burned it felt like your throat was on fire you felt burning pain on your face.
You couldn't help yourself you started to cry, but cried crazily. You wrapped your arms around Minato and cried, cried for it felt like years.
You cried yourself to sleep that night.

Hey sweetpea, Umm Kakashi is here he has something for you.
Okay. You crept down the stairs and saw Kakashi sitting on the couch.

Ya what is it Kakashi?...
Well Obito thought that you should have these.
Kakashi handed you Obito's goggles.
You begin to cry again and hugged them tightly.

Yo's I'm sorry sad chapter!
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