One step further

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Do you want to go to the Dango shop? Tobi wants to go!
Ya Dango sound good! (Obito loved Dango, dam Tobi don't make me cry)
I tear slipped from your eye, you wiped it off and sniffed.
Tobi looked at you I could see you wipe away a tear.
Y/N why are you crying?!
Sorry you just reminded me of someone.
oh Tobi sorry for making you cry!
No its okay.

Dango for you two! And you guys are a cute couple.

Ehh h..hey he's not my boyfriend he's just a friend, Dango lady!
Oh well thats to bad cause you guys would make a cute couple.

Ugh** you buried your head in your lap so Tobi wouldn't see you blush.
But it was to late, he already saw you blush.
Y/N here is your Dango!
Oh thanks Tobi..
You saw him lifting his mask.
Nows my chance to see his face! 
He turned the other way and lifted his mask all the way and ate.
Awe looks like he doesn't want to show his face! But I will respect what he wants.
Yummy thats so good! You said as you bite into the not to sweet, not to salty Dango.

You remembered Obito didn't like really sweet dumplings or really salty Dango.
Who is Tobi really? I mean Obito and Tobi both have the same hair due, and the same opinion of dumplings.
Could it be that Tobi is Obito?

Y/N!! Hey Y/N?!
Ah ya?
We should head back to the hideout! 
Oh okay!  you could see where he was coming from,  it was pretty chilly out here.
You shivered,  ah dam it's could out here I hope we are almost to the hideout!

Tobi whats to share!
Share what?
You felt Tobi grab your shoulder a pull you into his Akatsuki clok. 
Oh haha thanks. 
You fit perfectly since you where only 5'2 and Tobi was 5'5, I little short for a grown man but he was at an adorable height. 

You blushed thinking about how he treated you. You were getting tired but why where you so tired. 
Tobi do you know what time it is? 
Tobi think it's 6 PM.
Oh okay do you guys eat at the hideout? 
Awe yes Tobi remember,  Konan really likes that there is another girl in the Akatsuki,  so she make you food.
What about you Tobi?
Tobi doesn't like dinner Tobi only eat Breakfast and lunch or DUMPLINGS!

Tobi who are you really? 
Tobi and Y/N is back! 
Nice just in time for dinner. 
Y/N I made us dinner, girls night for now! 
Okay.  You grinned. 

And that's how you make a paper ninja star. 
Ha cool,  you are so good at origami!
Thanks Y/N!!  I'm glad Tobi and Deidara brought you in. 
Yep a new chapter of my life. 
Oh how about a make over! 

You pick F/C and black eye liner and red lipstick.
When  Konan finished your makeup you looked in the mirror. 
Who is she!  You smile back at Konan.
Thank you, I look so pretty! 
Now your turn,  what do you want? 
Surprise me I bet I will love it.
Okay you grabbed a purple eyeshadow and you gave her cat eyeliner.  You pick up a purple lipstick darker then her hair and put it on. 

Oh yes,  you're killing it Konan! 
Let me see. 
Woah Y/N you could be a makeup artist! 
Ha thanks.

Knock knock*
Who is it! 
Tobi,  Tobi feels lonely. 
Okay be there in a second. 
Sorry I got to go talk to you in the morning. 
Okay we should have more girls nights. 
Ya for sure!

Yes Tobi?
He just starred at you for a whole minute. 
Tobi stop starring at the poor girl! Deidara shouted at Tobi and made him jump. 

You got back to Tobi's room. 
Tobi sorry for starring.. 
Not it's okay. 
You laided down on the bed and Tobi turned the light off. 

A few minutes later
Tobi lonely again!
Ah okay come on.
Tobi went on the right side of you. 
Tobi still sorry!
It's okay
To.. Tob....   You cut him off with a kiss on his forehead of his mask. 
Ekk!  Tobi started to squilled like a little girl seeing a kitten.
Tobi Tobi shhh calm down! 
Okay Tobi stop.

You don't know what came across you. 
I'm sorry you probably didn't want a kiss from me so I'm sorry I even tried!
I don't know what came acros.... You where cut off by something soft and warm on your lips. 
You where confused at first then you notice that Tobi's mask was on the right side of his head and he was kissing you. 

You kissed him back,  you never felt someone love you like this,  you where happy,  you didn't want to go back to the leaf village.

Later in the night
You turn  around Tobi's mask was back on with the kiss on the forhead.
You got up to go the bathroom and cleaned off the lipstick that was smeared around your mouth. You got back to Tobi's room and thought to yourself.  Are me and Tobi in love?
Heh I hope so!
You fell back to sleep fastly. 

Tobi walks out of the room and heads to the bathroom.
Oh Tobi says hi Konan!
Oh hey To...  Hahah hehehe Tobi do you know what color  Y/N's lipstick is?
Umm uh Tobi thinks red. 
Hahahhehe look in the mirror!
Ahh Tobi slams the bathroom door shut. 
What's all that laughing for Konan? Itachi asks. 
Awe awe hahahaha it's nothing! 

Okay whatever you say.
Tobi opens the bathroom door.
Konan!  Is it gone?!
Hahaha let me help you with that come here.
Okay Tobi coming. 

Tobi's POV
Ahh Y/N you made this so embarrassing for me! 
And why is Y/N seem like she was from my childhood?

Thank you Konan! 
Tobi headed his way back to the bedroom.

You heard the door open and Tobi came in. 
H..  Hey Y/N I have to go on a quick mission stay here or go hang out with Konan.
Oh okay see you later! Little lollipop! you muttered underneath your breath. But Tobi didn't hear. 

Hey Konan! 
Hi Y/N what happened to your lipstick? 
Haha funny! 
So you weren't kiss sleeping? 
No I wasn't, shhh you will be the only one to know this!
Hehe okay.
You where as bright as a cherry. 

Tobi's POV
I swear what did Madara do after Rin's death!
I'll go back to Madara's hideout.
I think there's something hidden there!

When Tobi entered Madara's hideout he looked around.

What is this?  Obito's memories.
Awe what the hell type of freak was Madara!
Well looks like I just have to drink this!

Your POV
Ha hey don't you like Lord Pein?
Haha No! 
You sure? Hehehe
Tobi is back! 
Hey where did you go Tobi?
Tobi explore! 
Oh okay. 
Tobi ran to the kitchen grabbed a cup and some milk the ran back to the bathroom. 
What the hell is Tobi doing?
I don't know,  I'll go and check on him.
Tobi what you doing!
Tobi slipped the bottle in his pocket the opened the door.

Tobi is cleaning! 
Come here Tobi.
Okay Tobi coming.

You close the door behind you and tell Tobi to move his mask so you could clean off the lipstick on his lips.

No no not take off, only show bottom half of face. 
Sigh* okay

______________________________________ A/N
Ha you got your kiss! 
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