4. I so hate FUDGE.

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I took another look at my wristwatch before letting out a sigh. The fact that she was being late was terribly getting on my nerves. Thirty minutes! I've been seated here in this coffee shop for over thirty minutes and yet there was no sign of her showing up anytime soon. I lightly rubbed my temple quite unable to take anymore of her tardiness. I honestly  didn't  want to meet her any more than she might not want to meet me. If it were up to me, I would prefer to meet her at the altar and not go about doing this but to make this seem more realistic, we'll have to show up together at events and slowly let the world in our decision.

I sighed once more as I picked up my mobile phone which I had left on the table in front of me. I made a redial with the exact numbers Rockwell had used to contact me earlier just to let me know of his arrangement for me to meet his daughter this very day. Perhaps, he was playing a crazy prank on me.

"Hello Rockwell." I started but I could clearly feel the vex coming up. I mean, I could have done lots of meaningful things  with my time back at the office but I spent  it here for the good reason.

"Christian?" He asked, sounding quite a little surprise.

"Mr. Gryffin, is this some kind of sick joke that both you and your daughter appears to be playing with me?" I asked while at the same time trying my best to calm down and not lose control.

"Joke? What do you mean by that?"

"Your daughter. I've been waiting for her like a fool for over thirty minutes and yet, there has been no sign of her. What do I make of this situation Mr. Gryffin?" I asked quite baffled by the entire situation. I could hear him sigh on the other side of the phone.

"I'm sorry Christian for the delay. Please give her a little bit more time. Harieth will definitely be there." Rockwell stated and all I could do was sigh before cutting the call.

Fine. Okay, waiting a little more wouldn't hurt. I'll wait, if that's all it takes to return Hendrix enterprises to its former glory. I'll wait.


I struck another pose, stood still but yet with a touch of feminism and sexiness just so the photographer could click a good picture of me. Eventually, the flashlight came on several times. The make-up on my face had been done by a professional. My hair neatly styled as well. The attire I had on this very minute was all part of the wardrobe and belonged to the studio. I continuously changed my pose in order for him to take several pictures of my sides as well as front. I thought happy thoughts and felt pretty in order to enhance my confidence as I stood behind a white background.

"Okay Harieth!" The photographer exclaimed displaying an okay sign with his fingers to let me know the shoot for the day was finally over. I sighed quite exhausted as I regained my normal posture. Suddenly, I began to feel hot.

"Towel." I called out as I walked away from the white background towards the editing team behind the monitor. I needed to see for myself just how good the images were. I couldn't bear seeing a hideous image of myself in the upcoming magazine. I mean, I do have competitors in this line of work. Looking pretty was my job. Having a renowned family name was my boost up. Perhaps, the world doesn't have the littlest idea that the Gryffin's account was slowly running dry but I was still determined to take advantage of all the privileges that came with being an heiress. By the way, it wasn't all over as I still have a marriage of a deal as my last card.

"Here Ms. Gryffin." A young lady stated as she handed me the towel.

"Your dad's been calling, Ms. Gryffin." She added as she stretched out my phone to me. I slightly furrowed my brows at that little information before I collected it from her then she was on her way.

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