7. The possible life of a MAIZE.

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The sound of glasses shattering on the floor distracts me as well as other guests. As they shift their eyes to where the sound came from, I found myself doing the same.

"Get this into your thick skull... I don't know you!" The oppressor yells to the victim and as I took a closer look, I realise the oppressor was Harieth Gryffin.

What on earth is she doing now?

For some reason, she stood still regardless of how everyone had begun staring. I knew the night was finally ruined because of her childish act. I couldn't stay still anymore so I walk up to her, grasp her by the arm and drag her with me towards the exit of the room. Finally, I let her arm go once we were outside and no one seemed to be staring anymore. I stared at her for what seemed like a while, wondering where I should start from. Honestly, I didn't sign up for this. I have way too many things to deal with myself that I barely have time to handle someone else. I ran my hand through my hair and yet, her eyes hadn't met mine since we stepped out. She was oddly silent as well.

"Are you a child? Do you have to be told every single time about what to do and what not to do? Why would you cause such a scene?" I questioned, my voice a little higher than usual. For a moment, she says nothing.

"I don't want to talk about it. Let's just go." She suddenly spoke up before attempting to walk past me. Quickly, I took hold of her arm and she instantly looks up to me. Her eyes were red and teary. My brows slowly cease up at the sight of them. Something about her eyes told a story. A strange and sad story. Wait... that can't be right. As I stare longer, I could also see just how much she was trying hard not to let the tears roll down her cheeks. She was obviously putting up a strong front and I must confess, it did startle me a bit. This wasn't what I was expecting. She wasn't the victim here. Why does it seem like she was hurting more than the person she oppressed a while back?

Slowly, my grasp onto her arm releases and she instantly looks away from me and hastens her pace towards the car. She pulls the door into the backseat open then got right in before slamming it shut.

A strange sigh escapes my lips as I stare at the car. What in the world is going on?

I could hear her sniffing at intervals in the backseat. I took several glances at her through the rear-view mirror but was barely able to get a good glance at her face. Somehow, I could just feel how hard she was trying not to burst into sobs. Something about that act reminded me a little about myself and for the first time since I met Harieth Gryffin, I felt a strange relatability. Regardless of my thoughts, I felt unable to utter a word to her. Actually, I didn't know what to say. I didn't even think anything I say would make her feel better about what was wrong with her or perhaps, I didn't want at try at all.

Finally, I drove into the compound of her home and as soon as the car drew to a halt in front of her home, she opened the door and stepped down. She slammed the door shut right away before storming off towards the entrance into her home. She didn't say a word. Well, it didn't really bother me much. I was just a tad bit curious as to what would make someone who was pompous and claims to own the world suddenly cry. It didn't make much sense. Regardless of it all, I drove forward towards the gate. I had done my own part of dropping her home safely. The rest was up to her.


I ran up the staircases as fast as my legs could carry me. I didn't want to see anyone. I didn't want to burst into tears now and so I hurry towards my room, push the door open then walk in before shutting it right away.

Afterwards, I rest my back on the door and slowly slid down to the floor. There, I sat with my heart still pounding against my ribcage and the horrendous memory of the past flashing to and fro in my mind. The tears finally began rolling down my cheeks. Oh how hard I've tried to tuck away those memories. Why did she have to bring it up? Why did she have to talk about it?

My Husband, Whose Heart Belongs To Another.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant