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One hard step after the other, I watched as he progressed at walking. A smile curled up on my face. He was doing it and sooner than later, he'll be back to his old self. He'll forget I was ever in it and... damn it, I can't even think of what comes next after that.

I looked away from him.

What am I doing here? Watching him from afar will change nothing. It won't change the fact that our relationship is messed up and that I can never have him in my life, at least, not the way I desire.

Unable to help it, I looked up to him and watched as the nurse helped him have his seat on one of the benches in the park. She said something to him, he nodded and she went away.

There, he sat in quiet, his walking cane in one hand and with the other, he gave a light massage to his legs. I wished I could help but I couldn't. I know I was being stupid, hiding out here, in a hood, stalking behind a tree.

I learnt his daily exercising routine and started the habit of tailing and watching him during those moments. He doesn't know but that's good enough for me.

Suddenly, he looked my direction, our eyes met and immediately, I hid away. My heart raced beneath my ribs. I hope he hasn't seen me. After a while, I looked once more but... he was gone.

I stepped outside my hiding spot and looked around but to no avail. Where did he disappear to in such a short period of time? Perhaps, did he take notice that I was here?

I shook my head in disapproval. No way, I'm dressed way too different to be noticed by him.

He's gone.

My subconscious concluded and I let out a sigh as I turned away only to draw to a halt right away. My eyes widened in surprise as I stared at the person in front of me, who, also, stared back with a little disbelief in his eyes.

"It's... it's really you." He stated as his eyes never left me. It has been so long since I had me in front of me or heard his voice up-close. In that moment, I realized how much I'd truly missed him.

A thought of throwing my arms around him for the longest embrace went across my mind but my body felt a little reluctant at that. Perhaps, because the will in my head disagreed with that.

I looked away from him to find the words that best suit this situation. Finally, I opened my mouth as I looked back up to him. Suddenly, in that moment, he threw his arms around me, engulfing me in the warmest embrace.

"I've missed you so much." He confessed as his hold got tighter as if I would sprint away at any minute.

In that moment, I shut my eyes to stop the tears and restrained the urge to hold him back. In one pull, I pulled away from his embrace much to his confusion.

"I... I have to go." I quickly stated as I lowered my eyes away from his and attempted walking past him.

He took hold of my arm forcing me to draw to a stop.

"No... you don't." He added rather sincerely and I just couldn't look up to him. I couldn't meet his eyes for fear of losing my will to keep going.

"I love you Harieth and I understand waiting those years must have been tough for you. I understand why you would walk away the way you did. I... I'm not angry with you. I just... I love you too much to let go so easily. I want to try. I want to make it up to you. I want to..."

"Just stop!" I exclaimed as I turned to him. The tears had gathered my eyes, ready to roll down my cheeks but I still couldn't look up to him.

"You did nothing wrong. You spent those years of your life unconscious because drove the car that day. Everything's my fault, not yours and that's why you need to sign the divorce papers so everything in your life can return to normal."

My Husband, Whose Heart Belongs To Another.Where stories live. Discover now