Gaara × Reader |What's Your Name?|

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I skipped through the roads of The Sand Village as I listened to the chatter of people passing by. It was nearly my sixth birthday, so my father decided to take a trip to another village as a vacation. My family was not the richest on the block, so, instead of traveling somewhere far, we took a trip to the closest village to us: The Sand Village. The chatter among the adults was mostly topics that I was not interested in, so I chose not to listen to it. However, one word caught my attention. 'Monster' was a brief adjective that skipped through my eardrums. I halted in my step and listened in.

"That 'child' is an absolute atrocity! I wish he would just disappear." a man with brown hair, in his thirties, I assume, spat as he flickered his wrist in an exaggerated way.

"You know what is inside him, Souta, that thing that can easily destroy our village if it gets out." the other male had a thoughtful expression plastered on his face, "However, the 'child' can be used as a weapon if we learn how to manipulate him and his power."

'How weird, they're calling someone a monster? I hope I never meet him; monsters are super scary; I still can't forget the monster under my bed' I shivered at the thought of meeting a monster, I was terrified of scary topics. I resumed my way down the street, now walking instead of skipping, as I noticed that I was blocking people's way. I did not really know where I was going; my father was being incredibly boring so I walked off to inspect some carpet design in a nearby shop. Let's say that I wandered off a bit farther than expected.

"Ow!" I heard a high pitched voice to my right as I walked passed a playground. A group of kids, around my age, were playing with an inflated ball. Unfortunately, one of the children's heads accidentally became the target of the ball as they fell down from the impact. 'That kid must be the one that yelped. I hope he's okay' I thought to myself as I slowly approached the group. They did not seem to notice my presence and the child who got hit did not look hurt, so I chose to simply watch from a few meters away. Their match was going rather well and I was getting more emotionally engaged. That was until the ball was kicked so high the sight of it was hidden behind a roof. 'Aww, now I won't know who the best player is' I made a clicking noise with my tongue as I stood up from my crouching position. I stared at the roof for several seconds until I decided to walk back to find my father. I was about to glance away as I caught the sight of the ragged sphere lifting up into the air and slowly floating down into another kid's palms. All I could make out, because of my distance, was that he looked my age and had maroon colored hair.

"R-run!" the group screamed as they started sprinting away from the boy holding the ball. I was slightly confused since I just saw some floating magic and a bunch of terrified, running kids.

"Wait!" the kid with maroon hair shouted out and raised his right hand, "Don't leave me alone!" Now I was really confused. 'Are they scared of him? It makes no sense; he just got their toy back.' I shuffled a little closer, my interest levels increasing. My legs stopped as I witnessed at least two thick strands of sand reaching out to the running squad. The sand wrapped around several people's ankles and started pulling them back.

"Help me!" another voice shouted out. I was watching the scene in shock. Maybe I am dreaming. This cannot be real, can it? "No!" another scream. That one scream seemed to hold a mountain of fear and desperation for the floating sand loosened its grip and uncontrollably fell down to the ground. Everyone around the mysterious boy scrambled up to their feet and made a second attempt at running. It was successful; the kid and I were now left alone on the deserted street. 'He doesn't seem to notice me, either. Do I blend in well, or something?' I questioned as I casually approached the boy. Before I was close enough to reach out to the child, he briskly crouched down and folded his arms across his knees, hiding his face in the space he had left between his chest and his arms.

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