Obito × Reader |The Dreams I Have|

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I woke up, the ceiling of my room the only thing in my sight. I had another vision, it seems like. I often dream of things that I cannot explain. I have been dreaming of the same man for the past few nights. I did not know him, but he had an orange, pumpkin - like mask and a black cloak with red designs that I could not make out because of the uncertainty of the images. The man was in great agony, yet I do not know from what. At the beginning of my dreams, he was clutching his chest area. As the dream progressed the mysterious man moved farther and farther away from my sight. I tried to reach out to him; however, every time I almost touched the fabric of his cloak, my eyes opened and I was greeted with the same old ceiling.

Lazily sitting up, I rubbed my eyes to have a better vision of my room. I usually never met the people in my dreams, so I was not too worried about the orange - masked man. Standing up, I got ready for work. My work was rather peculiar if you ask me. I helped a man with his business and got paid a decent amount for my labor. My task was to take care of my boss' workshop and import clay into the building. I have been working for this person for about three months now and I can't define our relationship as a worker and boss one. We are more on friendly terms at this point in time.

I got ready to leave for work and grabbed my ninja pouch on the way to the door. I overslept so I would arrive a little later than usual if I did not make haste. Unfortunately, I soon realized that it was inevitable to be about ten minutes late this time around.

I neared my boss', or Deidara's, workshop and took a minute to catch my breath before walking in through the back entrance. I had a slim chance of making it appear like I was on time if I infiltrated the building quietly and acted as I was ten minutes early instead of being ten minutes late (make him believe XD). Sneaking in was easier than I expected and I was about to get to work. However, my hands that were reaching out to cleaning supplies halted as I heard unfamiliar voices coming from the main hall of the shop. Deidara - sama often had visitors, and I liked that. Looking at the different people that needed my boss' offers was interesting to me, so I always liked to sneak peeks at his guests; there was something interesting about each and every one. I carefully tiptoed over to the main hall and pressed my back against the wall, ready to peek behind the corner to see the people. I stopped as soon as my eardrums picked up a voice.

"You have lost this fight." I heard a man's voice say, a chilling calm mixed into his words. My ears then sensed a frustrated scream that sounded very much like Deidara's. My thoughts automatically led to the worst scenario and I, at the verge of emotion, jumped out of my hiding spot. "Deidara - sama, are you hurt?" I stepped closer to my employer as I looked up to see a hole in a wall and a man, who, most likely, was speaking earlier, standing in the middle of it. Light from the sun illuminated the place in such a way that made the person standing on the ragged part of the hole look like a dark shadow.

"(Y/N)! Convenient as always." Deidara looked up at me from the floor. "Convenient? I know it is not my business to get involved with your clients, but I think I deserve to know why there is a large hole in the shop's wall" I stated as I eyed the people in black cloaks with red clouds randomly plastered on the fabric. 'Black cloaks with red ornaments. . . does this have anything to do with my dream?' I thought to myself as I looked at the people's outfits with a thoughtful expression. "I will join the Akatsuki, under one condition. My assistant, (Y/N), will come along with me!" Deidara shouted, pointing an index finger at me. "Since when was I your -" I was cut off by Deidara's often occurring 'hmm!'

"We had a deal that you would join if I defeated you." the man with the overly calm voice protested as Deidara inched closer to me. "And now I'm proposing another deal, hmm!" my boss turned to face the mysterious man who was still standing with his back facing the sun.

"Leader - sama would not be too happy if we brought a stranger with us. . ." the man with a blue tint to his skin uttered out, his expression showing a smile, to my surprise. Usually one would not smile when talking about making his leader unsatisfied.

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